Female Safe space


Hi, I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself to you all. Rita, I live in Scotland and I'm quite new to naturism. I probably live in the wrong country for it though as we don't have the weather for it to be honest so I'm mainly...

Is it possible?

To make a group like this private and invite only? I'm only suggesting it as it seems like men can freely comment on here, and I don't get the point of having a female only safe place if it isn't female only.

About Sweetpeak

NAME: Kacey (for reals) AGE: 30 FAVORITE QUOTE: All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Beckett FAVORITE BOOK: Hard to say -- maybe Anathem by Neil Stephenson. Ask me NEXT week....