RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

I agree whole heartedly. Dont be in too big a hurry to make friends. As you post here and read others posts you will get a feel for those who are in line with your thinking. A small selective list helps to keep the communication easier between friends. I try to talk to my friends on a regular basis and just see whats going on. I dont do a very good job sometimes but if I had a list of 200 people then I would never be able to talk with everyone.

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

If I get a friends request I look at the persons profile and pictures. If I like their profile I'll accept them as a friend but they have to have pictures. If they are certified it's even easier to make a decision. I joined to make friends but I find that very few peoplechat or return messages if I send one. I guess I just don't have the charm needed to make friends.

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

thanks for the welcomes. i would be cautious, and i can see that maybe if someone i accept as a friend never bothers to reply to my messages or interact with me in any way, theres no point keeping them on the list.
Hi, and welcome to the site.

There is now a lot of info here on the forums,

go here to learn your way around and get up to speed.
It's well worth investing a little time in learning how the site works,
in order to get the best out of it.

WELCOME! ..... to TN :) :) :) .....START HERE!

ps. I don't know what COG's are either, what is it NudeIn?

pps. he's always doing that!

it's giving me an inferiority complex!

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

If I get a friends request I look at the persons profile and pictures. If I like their profile I'll accept them as a friend but they have to have pictures. If they are certified it's even easier to make a decision. I joined to make friends but I find that very few peoplechat or return messages if I send one. I guess I just don't have the charm needed to make friends.
How can you look at their profiles. i dont have the time to do that, when i joined i got like 100 friendrequests! when i get some time i'll look through it but it helps to send a message! If Iv chatted with someone in the chat its easier!

Some True Nudists want a message first, before they would even consider you as a friend.

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

I'm with TexasBiker. I'm easy.
I've been pretty selective with whom I've submitted friend requests too, but I will accept any friend requests coming my way.This is after all a social web site, so how could I turn down the opportunity to meet some really cool people?

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

See also:

How to manage friend requests that have accumulated

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

I'm with TexasBiker. I'm easy. I've been pretty selective with whom I've submitted friend requests too, but I will accept any friend requests coming my way.This is after all a social web site, so how could I turn down the opportunity to meet some really cool people?

I like to see a note, so that I can be comfortable they're not just wanting to look at my gorgeous self in the pics!

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

I'm with TexasBiker. I'm easy. I've been pretty selective with whom I've submitted friend requests too, but I will accept any friend requests coming my way.This is after all a social web site, so how could I turn down the opportunity to meet some really cool people?

I like to see a note, so that I can be comfortable they're not just wanting to look at my gorgeous self in the pics!

Aw, Gator... my note fooled you then! Gorgeous Gator and his sweet wife!


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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

Not sure that detailing the finer points of our selection criteria for accepting friend requests would be that helpful and besides, many of our criteria match those already mentioned by others.I would be more interested in hearing if and how people say "thanks but no thanks". Personally, we don't like to just hit deny. From our perspective, it seems a reasonable courtesy to at least respond with a message to those who you would rather not add as friends.
Our primary accpetance criteria (mainly becuase it's quick to determine) is certificatio but despite explaining this in our profile a good majority of the friend requests we recieve are from people who are uncertified. We recognise that the certification process has its flaws, loopholes and drawbacks but in the main we feel it's a good guide and a process that we should all try to encourage & support.
So, in the main, we send out this standard message
Thank you for the friend invite. We are always happy to meet other true
nudists. We think the certification process is an
excellent idea. It is very easy and we try to encourage all our friends
to complete it. We notice you have not yet been certified. We will keep
your invite in pending until you get your certification. Send us a
message when you have been certified and we will be happy to accept
your friend invite. Regards Steve & Denise

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RE: How Do You Handle Friend's Requests?

if [True Nudist Certified] YES else if [Photo contains erection / open vagina] NO else if [Photo contains only single body part] NO else if [100+ friends] NO else if [Profile is empty] NO else if [Profine contains sexual references] NO else if [Profile is believable] YES else NO That's about it. If I'm missing something, I'll add it later. :)
Great post. Is this a sub-routine of a larger application? LOL
You forgot to query your DB for any common friends or groups. Will there be a sub-routine to grep the profile for keywords that would indicate friendship potential? Have you run this through UAT or did you just install it into production and will fix any "undocumented features" later? LOL

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