Sleeping positions ...

Do you have a single sleeping position or do you have variations ... and are they the same for night time sleeping as they are for napping? Or, is it any position you can get in to fall asleep! :D

My wife has similar positions for sleeping period but mine vary depending on where I'm napping. My wife can normally only sleep on her right side but she seems to sleep deepest on her left. The problem with her left side is that she will "rumble" a bit louder on her left side and that wakes her up! :D

I can nap and sleep for a couple hours on my back in a recliner but can not sleep at night on my back. I sleep on my left side and sleep deepest on my left. I used to be able to sleep flat on my stomach but due to back issues, I can't do that any longer.

Spooning used to be a way for us to sleep always but then menopause happened and according to my wife, we both generate a ton of heat that makes it uncomfortable to be in that position for very long ... and that's bothered us both for quite some time. We both prefer that closeness.

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

Do you have a single sleeping position or do you have variations ... and are they the same for night time sleeping as they are for napping? Or, is it any position you can get in to fall asleep! :DMy wife has similar positions for sleeping period but mine vary depending on where I'm napping. My wife can normally only sleep on her right side but she seems to sleep deepest on her left. The problem with her left side is that she will "rumble" a bit louder on her left side and that wakes her up! :DI can nap and sleep for a couple hours on my back in a recliner but can not sleep at night on my back. I sleep on my left side and sleep deepest on my left. I used to be able to sleep flat on my stomach but due to back issues, I can't do that any longer.Spooning used to be a way for us to sleep always but then menopause happened and according to my wife, we both generate a ton of heat that makes it uncomfortable to be in that position for very long ... and that's bothered us both for quite some time. We both prefer that closeness.

We also start to fall asleep on our right sides but like you menopause takes over our lives and we can't spoon anymore as we are both full of heat. I then tend to roll over to my left side.

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

Spooning doesn't happen with us either. We both are way too hot for that. I normally sleep on my right side, with an arm under my head. She will sleep on her left side with a pillow between her legs to help her back. Sometimes I will try my left side as well.

When I nap, it is normally in my recliner. I try not to nap too much though, because that effects my night sleep normally.

Does anyone else leave the TV on at night? I know we are weird, but we will run through the same movies on a list at night. One night it is the Harry Potter movies, the next night is the Oceans 11, 12, and 13 movies. We run a Plex server, so it is easy to have a playlist of different movies. For some reason, my wife loves to go to sleep to an English accent.

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

I sleep best on my side, that being said I do move around a lot when sleeping and never seem to wake up on my side.

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

We used to visit the island of St. Martin every year for 10 years. We stayed at Club Orient and the first several years, we rented a Beach Chalet. We visited in the summer and it was warm and humid. We could have slept in the air conditioned bedroom but we loved falling asleep to the sound of the small waves on the beach. We'd put the two couches together in the living room area, turn on the ceiling fan and lay on top of the sheet, uncovered all night until around 3 am, then we'd pull the top sheet over us and fall back to sleep until around 7 am when it started to warm up and we kicked it off again.

We slept so good on those trips!

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

Sideways, often changing sides during the night, with my knees slightly bent and raised towards my chest. I believe it's called 'the foetus position'.

We love to spoon too, but for a short while (as we both need our space when we sleep); When we just went to bed or waked up. As those moments it is most comfortable.

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RE:Sleeping positions ...

This group could use some waking up!

Sleep position is a changing thing for me and my love, especially lately with her having elbow issues on the side that usually faces my side of the bed and I'm fighting a frozen shoulder as well. When the two busted parts are together it can get dicey so for the last few months we've been keeping a smaller pillow between us and that seems to keep the peace pretty well. G always likes to keep something touching me, whether a foot or a hand on me, whether on my tummy or around mister winky, and in the morning when there's not much time before one of us has to get up, I'll do the big spoon, her on her right side, me snuggled up into her inviting back, legs bent, my hips to her cheeks, my left hand under her left boob. This may end up getting a little lovemaking on our sleepy minds - and we don't mind!

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