RE: Skinbook's Demise

NIM, Actually, there is at least one Ning site that is nudist. We just have some good discussions and information sharing.
I don't belong to your site, but I agree, you don't have to have pictures to be a nudist site. Very few of the threads on this forum contain pictures.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

Be found, andfind your old mates, by joining this group. Skinbook Memorial
I for one will miss skinbook. It may not have been perfect, but it was still a good place to network with other nudists. I hope that the same thing doesn't happen again here.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

I agree with your statement Chrissy Jack,
"I had several
conversations with the mods on Skinbook and it was easy to see that they
didn't have much of a clue about naturism in general, let alone running
a site like that. My overwhelming feeling was that Karl and his uni
mates thought that this might a quick way to make a few quid by building
up thousands of members in a niche group and then selling it on. When
he suddenly realised that it was going to start costing him a whole heap
of money, he decided to get out. Hence his epiphany-like 'distancing
himselve from the lifestyle."
Karl had said to Time Magazine, "We couldn't communicate on MySpace and Facebook about nudism since we were all kind of embarrassed." He wasn't into nudism or naturism. He wanted a quick score as he was clueless. Anyone who is embarrassed to say they are a nudist on facebook, should not start a nudist social networking site.
Karl was good at PR. My feelings to was it was always about the money. If he had spent even 10 minutes investigating nudism, he would have learned this is NOT an industry for the get rich quick business flippers. You have to have a passion for nudism. if you don't, you will be like Karl and out of business real soon.
I hope the skinbook episode makes everyone appreciate TN here more.
Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

If the Skinbook mods did indeed have the power to ban, the site was doomed from the start.
Indeed, and that's a lesson learnt the hard way at Skinbooks expense.
One of the reasons I never started my own forum on the site is because of the amount of potential hassle value associated with it. However, I did like the skinbook format and once they started having problems with Ning I offered skinbook space and resources on my own server, but they never took me up on it. It's tempting to think about starting something along these lines again though...

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

I can see why Karl is frustrated, but the problem with nudism is that it is too fragmented instead of being a united movement like it was when it first started in Germany. The original nudists and naturists were all vegetarians, teetotallers, and environmentalists and it ought to have stayed that way. Instead it's devolved into hedonism, separation and corruption.
Actually, IMHO the problem with nudism is the fact that people want to attach things that have nothing to do with the state of dress to what it means to be a "true nudist". It means that you enjoy to be nude, nothing less, nothing more. It has nothing inherently to do with sexuality, consumption of alcohol, the kind of food ingested, the environment, politics, or religion. While there are logistical and societal considerations (such as separation) due to the culture in which we live, they aren't inherent to nudism itself, just necessary evils for being able to practice nudism in today's day and age.

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RE: Skinbook

Wow, that is a harsh email to receive. I have recently started up a Naturist Network I'm hoping that it will grow anddevelopinto a greatsociety and be a great resource. Please join and invite as many people as you can. Kindest regards Ed Clarke

Ed, not sure if you realize it but your post is against the TOS here.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

I too will miss Skinbook. May TN not make the same mistakes. This site deserves suppot

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

I don't know... I had a profile there, and while I was signed in..I was suddenly locked out. I did ask a mod in chat about and they thought it was technical glitch..but I could never get back in.

I sent several emails over the next week or so asking about it but I never received a single reply back. I finally told them to delete my profile if it was still there and received no response.

That was a lousy way to treatsomeonein my opinion

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Although the old Skinbook has folded there is new site called MySkinbook which has started from the old. There is a yearly 10 GBP subscription but it seems to be working ok and certainly a lot faster than the old site

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RE: new site

strange that the owner of the new Skinbook doesn't have a photo or any details here on his profile ...
He's been spamming the forums pretty intensely lately, so I suspect he'll be deleted before long.

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