RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

Yes. It also depends on my mood. Hormones. They can change how I feel very quickly. And it's not like you can disable them. Sometimes so jealous of my partner's happy balanced without a care in the world male hormones! ^_^But with the right person by your side, they are able to help you get through those changing moods or at least be understanding to them. Di has the same hormonal mood swings and went through a tough time during menopause. We didn't visit any clubs or resorts and made lots of trips to the nude beach, only to get back in the car within minutes and returned home. I would just go with the flow and not rock the boat. I was just glad it wasn't me going through that but I was quite supportive. I was all I could do. But... we guys have hormonal mood swings, too! Most of us have that happy balance because of the woman we have in our life. ;-)That's what makes a good and a happy and healthy relationship; to help and support and be there for each other. And give each other the time you need: be patient. If he is having a down day I give him all the time he needs and do what I can to make him feel better again. Things I know he loves to do. And so does he.And sometimes he has to have lots of patience ^_^

Patience, love, understanding and support... it's what will make a real relationship last forever. Di and I have grown up together, having dated since we were 16. Married at 20 and celebrated our 47 anniversary in July ( together as a couple for over 51 years). It's been a roller coaster but we never get off, we just keep riding and riding. It hasn't been easy learning patience and understanding but I know we've always loved and supported once another. It was a good foundation for the other.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

posting a naked pic of us makes a confident persons

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I've read the comments and opinions here and thought about this topic. While i get naked straight away at a CO beach and don't care about people walking past, I have an awareness of who is around me. There is a guy I see at this CO beach who is as tanned as leather, so he obviously has frequent flyer points, and he just gets up and walks along the beach and around the point regardless of who is around. Lots of textiles walk along there and walk their dogs, he doesn't care. He is lean, hairless and toned as well as tanned, looks like he could be from an ancient painting or sculpture. I'm not sure if it's his experience or appearance or both that make him this confident but he personifies naked confidence.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I've read the comments and opinions here and thought about this topic. While i get naked straight away at a CO beach and don't care about people walking past, I have an awareness of who is around me. There is a guy I see at this CO beach who is as tanned as leather, so he obviously has frequent flyer points, and he just gets up and walks along the beach and around the point regardless of who is around. Lots of textiles walk along there and walk their dogs, he doesn't care. He is lean, hairless and toned as well as tanned, looks like he could be from an ancient painting or sculpture. I'm not sure if it's his experience or appearance or both that make him this confident but he personifies naked confidence.


I think it story happened the third trip to our nude beach in two weeks. We had been home/backyard nudists for about 20 years and I desperately wanted to go social. I had visited our nude beach several times, alone, and told Di that I thought she'd feel comfortable and if she didn't, we would leave as soon as she wanted.

We got to the beach and she had a good time but stayed in her chair, only to glance up to see what was going on. She got naked right away that first visit and the second visit but it was the third visit that was a turning point for Di. An older couple walked down the beach about an hour after we had gotten there. She was a mature woman and was somewhat overweight. She wore a white long dress and wide brim white hat. They parked themselves near us, which was fine. They set out their blanket and umbrella and she gracefully slipped out of her white dress. She sat with such confidence that Di watched her do this. This woman gave Di immediate confidence that she too could do what this woman had done.

It didn't stop there. Di didn't want to get up from her chair much, except to go into the water to pee! hahaha After watching this woman and watching them take a couple of walks on the beach, Di says to me, "lets go for a walk!" Di became so confident that day and would suggest we go to the beach at least twice a week during that Summer. We never saw that couple again but I will forever be grateful for that couple, especially that woman for getting Di to turn that confidence corner.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

Andy, that's a good example of the positive effect of nudism and people being comfortable in the vehicle in which they travel. We can all learn from good behaviours, I'm glad you and Di were the beneficiaries. While Di at least was nude it inspired her to feel OK about going for a walk, it's a good example to set to others especially textiles who may be walking by. Whether it's to show that nudists are not all perverts or weirdo's or the textile to encourage them to try it.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I think many of us married folks with reluctant wives owe some debt of gratitude to other nudist - and confident - women.

For my first wife, it came in the form of a very friendly female nudist at a non-landed club. We caught up with a nudist I had previously met and befriended. On that occasion, his girlfriend was coming to join him. When she arrived she was nude, and immediately joined us. We connected well and she befriended my wife. I could tell that the interaction was having an effect on my wife, who at the time did not part with her sarong when socializing. Socializing with this woman who was confidently nude, fun and friendly, impressed her. She wasn't quite ready to be nude in front of other people, but as they talked I noticed my wife had unfastened her sarong; and when it started dropping down, she just let it go. Going topless was her way of "dipping her toes"; encouraged by the woman's confidence.
The impression our new friend's confidence had made left a "mark" on my wife. I connected with our new friends and we agreed to meet at a resort. We arrived before them and sat by the pool, my wife still wearing her sarong. I saw our friends arriving from a distance and alerted my wife. When I turned towards her she was standing nude, having immediately dropped her sarong when I made the announcement. And she then proceeded to walk nude across the pool area to go greet them, demonstrating no hang-ups about being openly naked. I was floored.
My wife stayed naked the rest of the day while we socialized with our friends. Not quite as naturally confident as our friend; but it was her first time and it was a very good effort.

What had happened was the same thing I would witness many times over the years, as well as Andy I'm sure. Seeing and interacting with a woman who displayed confidence being naked had inspired my wife to rethink her own comfort with nudity. The first time she had met our friend she wasn't prepared for it. But when she saw her again, walking into the pool area of the resort naked; she decided it was time for her to embrace that moment and try to emulate that same confidence. That's why, as I've often said, confident nudist women are priceless. Because they inspire other women to get in touch with their own confidence.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I think time makes us confident naked people generally. Not many people will confidently walk around a beach or a resort on their first visit. Initially many may think to be a confident person you need to have a good body or a good tan or be well endowed or have whatever physical attributes. That may look good in terms of appearance but I find the more I am nude at the beach the more comfortable I have been.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I think time makes us confident naked people generally. Not many people will confidently walk around a beach or a resort on their first visit. Initially many may think to be a confident person you need to have a good body or a good tan or be well endowed or have whatever physical attributes. That may look good in terms of appearance but I find the more I am nude at the beach the more comfortable I have been.
I'm feeling the same. There's probably not much difference in how I look, I guess, since my suits are always brief, but I'm covering up less. Some of my suits perhaps cross the line from skimpy to making some sort of style statement and they still only come out rarely since I'm not really a statement person, but that's also becoming less rare!

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

I think time makes us confident naked people generally.

True. I started out very much "unconfident" and self-conscious at first. But I decided to "fake it until I make it", got naked anyway and projected an "air of confidence" until I eventually got to the point where it was no longer fake but totally natural and genuine. That works too. I apply the same concept in social situations (I have moderate social anxiety), and people who meet me for the first time - as I've been told - had no idea that I was actually really uncomfortable at first.

My wife took a more gradual approach by going topless until she was comfortable with that. Then she hung out nude in the hot-tub or pool until she was comfortable being "covertly naked." Then she interacted with other nudists until she was comfortable with "facing naked people." Then she decided to not "hide" from other people until she was comfortable being seen naked. Then she decided to hang out openly nude with other nudists over a couple of days to build and achieve total "naked confidence."

My path was more "direct." My wife's was more gradual. But they both involved time and ended with the same result.

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RE:What makes you a Confident Naked person?

But I decided to "fake it until I make it", got naked anyway and projected an "air of confidence" until I eventually got to the point where it was no longer fake but totally natural and genuine.

The determination plays a part too. Once decided for that first visit, I was determined to go. Once I arrived, I was determined to lose my swimsuit, even if I did head immediately for the water. When I left the water I was determined to walk the beach to dry and I did.

Even at textile beaches I think I applied that same determination when wearing some of my more daring suits. It works!

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