good conversation with the new pastor

My church recently got a new youth pastor. Him and I have had a couple of meals together and had some good conversation about life and travel. Yesterday over lunch somehow the topic of nudity came up and I said " I have a very casual attitude about wearing clothes" He countered with " you could go live with a jungle tribe that does not wear clothes and walk around nude all the time" I like his way of thinking.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

Too bad that he suggested living with a jungle tribe. As it is, I believe you would be very hard pressed to find one that lives totally nude.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

I liked your Youth Pastor's comeback line. :)) Only problem is some of these jungle tribes almost dress better than most people that go to my church. As a side note. I get very annoyed how people dress these days. Especially on Sundays going to church. We went from wearing our Sunday Best to our Walmart Worst.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

There has been a lot written about Christianity and nudism, including here on TN. This could be an opportunity to discuss it with him. From what devout Christians have told me, there is not much material in the Bible which is anti-nudity and there is a lot of nudism positive passages. Even the Adam and Eve story is open to interpretation.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

I liked your Youth Pastor's comeback line. :)) Only problem is some of these jungle tribes almost dress better than most people that go to my church. As a side note. I get very annoyed how people dress these days. Especially on Sundays going to church. We went from wearing our Sunday Best to our Walmart Worst.

I am in between in what I wear to church.
I generally wear a collared polo and loafers with casual dress slacks in winter and dress shorts in summer.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

It's possible his comeback is, unfortunately, totally racist (though I don't have context or understand how it was said). I guess it comes down to if he accepts/has a positive view of nudity or thinks it's barbaric/sinful.

There's a great doc on Netflix about anthropologists making first contact with tribes in Brazil. It's mind blowing to think that they have no clue about the outside world, and you're witnessing the first moment. Unfortunately they all start wearing clothing... but maybe that's from a privileged viewpoint.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

No he did not mean in it any racist or derogatory way. He himself would like to work with native tribes. I honestly think he was in his way stating that my lack of clothing life style was just fine.

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

That's positive!

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RE:good conversation with the new pastor

I liked your Youth Pastor's comeback line. :)) Only problem is some of these jungle tribes almost dress better than most people that go to my church. As a side note. I get very annoyed how people dress these days. Especially on Sundays going to church. We went from wearing our Sunday Best to our Walmart Worst.

Theres another way to look at it. Just as nudism is equalizing by removing the clothes that can identify social status, not having to wear Sunday Best equalizes the chu ch and brings more people in. That is something that is well known in our church along with other steps to make it more comfortable for first timers. But that does not mean the messages or the Bible are watered down, just the rituals such as wearing fancy clothing. We have pastors that will speak wearing shorts and flip-flops and the church has grown to around 15,000 on an average weekend.

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