RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

The double standard here is frightening. As people have pointed out, if a woman posts a pic that's slightly "sexual", she's seen as confident and bold. If a man does the same, he's a creepy perv. Sorry, but that's a bunch of crap. Spread legs showing a full open vagina is the EXACT SAME THING as an erect penis.

The first thing we have admit as a community is that not everyone is on this site for non sexual reasons. All you need to do is review the comments on the pictures. The sexual nature ranges from laughable to creepy. There is no way in hell commenting on a woman's labia or the arch in her back as she's kneeling doggy style (which is another conversation all together) is coming from an artistic place. Nor is commenting on the veins in a man's penis or the size of his testicles. I mean hell, there's a group called "Large penis support group" on this site. Really? Come on folks, stop the B.S.

Pearl made a comment that the threshold regarding erections is whether or not the penis is under or over 9 o'clock. I can tell you that is NOT true. When I first joined, I posted a nude pic and my penis was barely at 7 o'clock. It was not approved. The reason given was that my penis was erect and that was not acceptable., which was a bunch of crap. I was not totally flaccid, but I was also nowhere near erect. So clearly the rules apply differently depending on gender. Just admit it. Don't spit in my face and then tell me it's raining.

At the end of the day, I personally don't care. It's hard to offend me. I'm more offended by the males who send me messages when my profile CLEARLY says that I'm not looking to meet or hear from men. I don't need to tell anyone my reasons. If I didn't want to hear from females who are blonde with blue eyes, that is my preference. I have come across the profiles of dozens of women who I'd like to reach out to but their profiles clearly state that they don't want to hear from men. So I move on, because I'm not a self centered rude a**hole. There should a feature installed that prevent members from sending messages to people that don't want to hear from them. THAT is offensive.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

So many different opinions! I find all the variations interesting. Thought I'd input a different perspective.

First off, if you've been through my media , you'll find no direct pictures of my anatomy. My wife's preference and I honor that, at least for now.
I know that a lot of men want to and do post erection or semi-erection pics as "advertisement" to meet their personal objectives here. I get that! I personally don't really care. Their media defines them for others. It's not what I'm after so I move on and don't friend. It does however, tell me what they're about "straight up" :-)

I do often wonder about some men on this site who may have insecurities about how they look and their size. It's a really big deal to them and how they feel about themselves. If you've never had that issue, you wouldn't understand! Size is an issue for many men, lack of size even more. As a late bloomer, I dealt with that when I was young.
Perhaps they are embarrassed about how they look and /or how endowed they are when flaccid. I would bet that many guys are extremely self conscious about how they look. Perhaps they feel the need for a little fluff so they don't feel so inferior in that department.

Are some men posting perkier pics for that reason alone? Are they dealing with body confidence issues?
Now don't you all go beating up on me for my opinion I'm just offering a different perspective. And those who feel that way will probably never admit it. It would be too revealing of their inner feelings about themselves and their own embarrassment.

Sort of like the Seinfeld episode when George answers his door after having just taken his wet bathing suit off but accidentally drops his towel and then seen by the woman at his door who snickers. He then feels he has to explain why it's so small!

I don't think it's always about advertising how big they are but maybe about how small they are not! Not wanting to feel inferior!

I believe some are too quick to label others. I say " So What"! Don't like? Don't look! Just don't flaunt! Be respectful of others! They may not have the same self-confidence as you!

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

The picture posted that focus on genitals without face or an activity seem purposeless, unless to be provocative. Poses showing life being lived are more interesting than just anatomy demonstrations.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

If an erect penis is the primary focus of the photo, such as those where the penis, many times being held in the subjects hand, the photo is definitely not suitable for this site. There are others where such displays are expected and, perhaps, appreciated/admired. If the election is, as Pearl said, at less than a 9 oclock position and within context of the surrounding setting then I believe most here will not be overly concerned about it because unintended erectiobs do occur from time to time. I believe the majority of us do know the difference.


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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

I agree, this subject seems to be a constant "problem" for some people. A man's erection is not easily 'controlled' because it is part of the human body. It is a natural item that stretches, swells, shrinks or hardens and if you were wearing clothes you would not see that it does all of those things throughout a day and the man has nothing purposely to do with it. Just like a woman cannot control how her nipples swell, harden or even change color. Yes, the rules for this website do require that you do not post photos with erections. That is something which can be controlled!!
But a man does not have absolute control of how his penis reacts to the world around him. Then you must also account for age and health---As a man gets older, it can shrink, it can take longer to become erect, and many other variables may exist that cause changes in the behavior of a man's penis. I will end this with a simple question: Why are you so obsessed with worry about how another man's penis looks or acts?

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

Erections dont offend me, but that isnt really what this site is about.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

Hypocrisy at its finest!
She with all the shaved genitals and open vagina shots galore

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

Right. For those who say the body's reactrion cn't be controlled: I say the choice of which picture submitted certainly can be controlled.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

Who knew?

Who knew that discussions about how hard erections can sometimes be to take would be happening so feverishly here? Here among the Christian Nudists?

Well done, but let's be sure not to let go of this until we can come to a proper conclusion that we're all pretty satisfied with, ok?

I know it can be a rather meaty topic, but if we don't truly address this thing it's just gonna continue staring us in the face until it just about slaps us all down.

...And just so we;re clear here: a proper conclusion isn't just drawing lines about what isn't allowed or how high is a cock on a clock, it's about grappling with where WE as a community want to be with regard to our sexuality. We seem to focus an awful lot on what is too much and not enough on if we are getting enough of the valid enjoyment it has to offer, and enjoyment that the mummified masses revel in exponentially more than we do out of our fears of perceptions.

Simply speaking, screw them. And screw the pervs, too. Perversion is not of the flesh, it is of the spirit and manifested through the body at the behest of our engineering minds. See something troubling? Get vocal about it. Call it out and hear its answer and then we can decide. Women: feel uncomfortable about someone or something? Don't be because there is no need. For every pervin' vermin that comes around, there's a dozen decent men surrounding you who will NOT let harm befall you or your children. And if still uneasy, remember pepper spray can fit on a key chain or hang around your neck or wrist. And as for the perceptions of the outside world? Don't wait to hopefully get them to change their definitions of us. Let's lead this and show them who we are until there is no choice but to redefine what the public sees a nudist as because their old view no longer makes any sense. Don't flee from any thought or mention of sexuality, but let's come together a talk at length, bluntly, and hash it all out for ourselves how we can embrace it as a healthy part of our lives but not an overpowering one.

It really won't be that hard if we take the subject seriously. I swear it. Because it is essentially the same reasoning behind our belief in nudity itself, is it not? We can demonstrate how nudity can easily and successfully be used to teach our kids about their bodies, and then naturally curiosity about the opposite sex can openly and thoroughly taught through casual conversation, and so gently it's all but seemlessly integrated into a child's early understanding of their world. The result? When most of kids in the world are trying to figure things out by sneaking around playing doctor, our kids can already know not only how their own and others' bodies work, they are already discussing what consent means and their right to body autonomy. Done right, they can have all this armory of information at their defense before the first school bus ever pulls up to drive them away from their homes, and before they are out of their parent's sight and before they may come to cross paths with a potential predator.

Imagine a world where predators don't have shame and secrecy as their aids to victimize our kids. Imagine their surprise to encounter children who are wise to their rights over their own bodies, their freedom to speak immediately, openly, and loudly to their parents or anyone else in authority if they feel threatened rather than pointing on a doll to some special nice officer about it weeks, months or even years later - if they ever speak of it at all?

Our position on these things is not only valid, it's strong and it's wise. It's has the power of a fundamental, rational perspective.

That wisdom has been lost because it has been covered under the weight of a stigma, clothed in senseless shame.

It's time we ditched those old rags, too

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

Yes, put those choices on the sister site (true swingers", but it is NOT appropriate here!
I would say that is another part of the problem: that a swingers site is a sister site to ours. There are too many swingers who co-opt the term "nudist" just because people are naked at their events; we don't need to reinforce that by having our site associated with theirs.

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