What is it like to live in a nudist colony?

Is it recommend for younger nudists to live there?

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RE:What is it like to live in a nudist colony?

I see no reason why younger people couldn't live in a full-time nudist resort. I've been a member of or visited a number of nudist clubs (Pine Tree Associates, Sunny Rest Resort, Cypress Cove just to name a few) and each had full-time residents, some of whom had children of varying ages. It depends, I think, on the parents...just as it does in a non-nudist environment.

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RE:What is it like to live in a nudist colony?

I've only visited a single nudist resort and recommend they're evaluated like any other community of people who share a common lifestyle. I can't say I liked it, but it didn't have anything to do with clothes or lack thereof. Rather, it was cliquish, relatively small and confined without a lot of activities. I've seen other textile groups like that die off because they didn't make any effort to sustain themselves. But that was just one facility in the puritanical Midwest and nudist resorts cover the whole spectrum of geopgraphies and types of people. Go there and explore, and the last thing you'll be thinking about after a few minutes is the issue of clothes.

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