RE: Will the world ever be one islamic state?

And thus any hope of world peace is lost as people will continue to kill each other over who has the best 'invisible friend'.

Love n stuff
Rudie x

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Allah ali Akbar

Certainly hope not!

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RE: No

fatpizzaman i like your answer the best, what would the world be like if we were all nudist, if i was nude and going to rob you where would i hide my weapon, what about a shoplifter. where would the military put their ammo. maybe a nudist world would be a better place.

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RE: No

Considering that Europe was predominantly Muslim until the African Muslims invaded and massacred them because they were a "different" religion, or at least not the "one true" Islam, circa 1013, I don't see it happening.
They'll kill off each other when they finally tire of killing us.

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RE: Will the world ever be one islamic state?

I will wade in... maybe against my better judgment.

It is unlikely, but there is one very real factor out there... demography.

If you were to carefully analyze the population growth rates of Islamic states here: wll realize that the populations of these countries are growing rapidly. Europe and North America will all be fully aged societies in the next decade - this happens when there are more persons over 65 than under 15 years old. China is headed in this direction within the next 20 years. Beyond the Islamic world, the only other countries with tradition population pyramids with lots of young people are in Latin America and Africa.

Europe - in need of labour have a uncomfortable relationship with the Islamic world - with a need for a ready supply of labour, the Europe is effectively surrounded by Islamic countries with a ready supply of youths (many whom are frustrated due to a lack of economic opportunity),

While I hope this never happens, there is demographic data that is pointing to a more Islamic world in the next 50 years. While it can be postulated some of the biggest challenges will be WITHIN these countries, it is important to build grasp this dynamic so that moderate Islam prevails.

This is highly simplified (based on a great deal of data and statistical analysis), but it is food for thought.

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RE: No

They'll kill off each other when they finally tire of killing us.

Lets hope this happens sooner rather than later!

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RE: No

They'll kill off each other when they finally tire of killing us.

Lets hope this happens sooner rather than later!

I'd rather they didn't kill us off before killing each other thanks! The one thing that worries me is that our beautiful planet will be burnt to a crisp in the name of organised religion. That would piss me off no end!
I say ban all organised religion, especially the monotheistic ones, the world would be a much happier & peaceful place.

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RE: No

They'll kill off each other when they finally tire of killing us.

Lets hope this happens sooner rather than later!
I'd rather they didn't kill us off before killing each other thanks! The one thing that worries me is that our beautiful planet will be burnt to a crisp in the name of organised religion. That would piss me off no end!
I say ban all organised religion, especially the monotheistic ones, the world would be a much happier & peaceful place.

I meant i hope they tire of killing us sooner rather than later! Regarding your comments, i wholeheartedly agree, well said!!

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