RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

I second this. A bi man sometimes has straight sex and sometimes gay sex. Bi sex is a term which allows the bi man to not label himself gay.Few things.1) why should a bi man label himself gay? If he is bi he isnt gay any more than he is straight. Dont like a tendency among some of the gay community to say a bisexual is someone who hasnt got the courage to admit they are gay. If you want respect for your sexuality then respect other peoples.2) if a person, of either sex, is in a group sex scenario and actively engaged with members if different sexes at the same time then what is that?3) does it really matter? Why the obsession with labels and the minute detail of whether they are right or not. Someone is having sex with someone else. Leave it at that.

That's 100% not what was said. The issue is about the way bisexual is defined as heterosexual when it's mf and bisexual when it's mm or ff. You don't see that as avoiding the same sex aspect just a touch?

And again this isn't about one person not intended to refer to one person nor should it be taken as such. You start off discussing sexuality in general then go back to 'it's nobody's business'. Of course. I can talk about dogs without meaning that Irish setter named Toby. So can we talk of language without meaning one specific Person.

I call myself gay have had relationships with men and women and am slightly on the genderfluid side. My labels don't match. But I don't call sex with women gay sex or sex with men straight sex or either bi sex. Not here but in a bbs i am on there was a serious discussion about how gay men were growing beards to trick straight men into gay sex instead of straight sex with other straight men. Absolutely ridiculous. It's ok to have same sex attraction and when two dudes go at it they are getting the homosexual on. If they want to call it something else, fine. But it's avoiding the obvious.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

who cares in the nudists world should not be an issue, we just naked should not be a topic here!!!!

So the category is sexuality. This is a discussion of language use in the community and in others like it. Where would you put this discussion? And if this isn't in the right place what should be here?

I assure you that issues big and small permeate all aspects of life including nudism and the homophobia in some sectors is frankly rabid. I'm pleased with this community of great people who generally care. I do too. It's not a pick up or a wank topic. Language use.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

I'm not going to get into too much of a battle to defend the existence of my sexual identity, but I will share a few points:

1. My sexual identity is NOT determined by whom I'm in a relationship with. That's ludicrous. Its not that we're having "bi sex". He's gay. I'm bi. We just call it sex. He's not more gay nor am I less bi for it.

2. Bi = Sexual attraction for 2 or more genders. Pan = Gender is irrelevant. You can be a bi person that likes men and women, sure, but there are more than just binary genders out there (quite frankly, whether you accept that or not)

3. Please do some research on the subject before hip firing on a subject of someone's literal identity. Erasure is not cool.

Have a good one.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

Bye bi boring thread.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

Bye bi boring thread.

You can do better than this, the seed planting joke was quite clever!

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

My most accurate label would be polysexual. No matter who I'm having sex with I just call it sex. The only labels I put on it are good sex or bad sex. And even then there's levels to it.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

Sometimes I enjoy kiwi, and sometimes I enjoy mixed berries, however, sometimes I combine them all and call it fruit salad!
As some of the other responses mentioned, it makes more sense for one to refer to themself as bi-sexual when there are at least two people of the same sex engaging sexually with each other along with at least one person of the opposite sex in the moment. Otherwise, sex is more likely considered to be hetero or homo.
I prefer to keep it very simple as a being who is ...sexual, although that might harbor too much mystery for some folks who like to keep sexuality in neatly wrapped boxes.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*


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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

Dunno but could you maybe decide it without shouting? We're not deaf.

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RE:Terminology *Bisexual*

I'm confused as why a label is needed.

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