Hello everyone

Hello everyone, I'm new here

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RE:Hello everyone

Hello back. But if you're going to expect more than that, you have to let us know who you are, what your interest in the site is, and so on. Otherwise, it just looks like more spam and solicitation.

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RE:Hello everyone

Hello. I must confess that your blank profile means this is the extent of response. Welcome to the group, tell us something about yourself and we may be able to have a more substantive discussion.

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RE:Hello everyone

Hello Becky....and WELCOME to the group. Please do share expectations, and experiences with us all. There are lots of us, who will guide you, and answer any questions you might have. ENJOY, your new interest. You will find it to be an interesting experience, and one you will truly enjoy, with the right persons. I will be happy to help you out, and answer any questions you might have, as I have been a nudist for years, and a card carrying AANR member, since it was called the ASA. Harry

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