Drove home naked from work today

And I was seen by a trucker! He honked at me and tried to catch up with me! It was kind of exciting!

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

That's always enjoyable.

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RE:Drove home naked from work today


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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Thats great! Im glad youre enjoying expanding your experience with nudism.

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Poor guy. You ran away. Could have been nice and let him catch up. Give him a smile and wave like a princess. Anyway thumbs up as always.

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Ive realized that i spend more of my drive time naked than clothed

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Very daring next trip I take by myself Im driving nude day or night. Ive only driven on the dark nude so far. You should have let the truck catch up to let him get a better look then wave and smile.

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Wow thats awesome be safe stay nude

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

And I was seen by a trucker! He honked at me and tried to catch up with me! It was kind of exciting!

You ROCK girl ;-) Keep up the good work. And Thank You for sharing.

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

Driving groups? I need to find these! I am lucky enough to drive a large SUV with tinted windows: nobody can see in. When i realizedthat, my nude time increased!

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RE:Drove home naked from work today

If I had been the truck driver I would have been nude also !!!! Thanks for sharing

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