RE: When is a hug acceptable?

If anyone wants to give me a big fat hug, please do. It's just flat out good for the soul.

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RE: When is a hug acceptable?

Never hug a sunblock covered person

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RE: When is a hug acceptable?

whether you hug clothed or naked,parts will big issue.nudists do normal things like textiles,only,we do it naked.....its fine,but you will know when a hug is inappropriate.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Ful nude hugs are sexy male or female

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Ful nude hugs are sexy male or female

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Not sure why but ... our doctor (female) always ends our visits with a hug! She's been helping me get better and several times I've improved so much that she comes into the exam room, throws open her arms and greets me with a hug. I/we like that she's a touchy/ feely doctor. Too many doctors don't want to come close to you, much less touch you.
Our dermatologist is also female but doesn't hug. She does, however, touch and after each visit, she always puts her hand on our shoulders and gives us a squeeze and says, "it's always great to see you two!:

My dental hygienist hugs me after every visit and after the third visit, my aesthetician hugs me after every treatment session. I think if you're a person who they can relate to, have a connection or bond beyond the patient/professional/client relationship, they feel fine with showing you that kind of affection, with a hug.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

I had thought hugs a very innocent greeting that means a warm welcome into my home. After reading some of the post it seems a few people don't feel the same way so I will have to say that each situation would need to be evaluated in that split second. Probably best to err on the side of caution if you don't know the person you are hugging all very well.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Hugs are generally very acceptable when greeting friends, I even have a few clients who will hug on meeting and departing, as we have know each other a long time. Do it, it is one of life's simple pleasures when meeting.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

Our local barmaid loves a good hug.

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RE:When is a hug acceptable?

All hugs are acceptable, and a naked full body contact hug just shows how comfortable we with ourselves and our company.

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