I Need All Flavors Around Me

I grew up in a diverse place (NYC) and have traveled a lot now since being in the Navy. Obviously my shipmates come in all colors thanks God, but it is a new experience for me to go on shore leave in places where the local population is almost all one race. I'm talking in Asian and European countries, and some ports in the US. I never experienced getting stared at so much before -- I mean being Latino in NYC is not unusual, nor is being any other race in NYC unusual. First thing I usually do on leave is a find a full gym since shipboard bodybuilding resources are limited/improvised, and I do like to get my steam or sauna on too after my workout. So right away I find myself naked with other dudes in these places, and I find one of two reactions: those that are real friendly, maybe because I am different looking and welcoming the stranger is how they roll like how I was raised, and those that you can tell make me invisible to themselves, and if they interact with me at all, like working in at a weight bench, it is just a cold couple of words. Fortunately the friendly ones are real friendly, and welcome me with my different look, and the unfriendly ones aren't aggressive about it, just stand-offish. I am getting used to these kinds of moments. I guess what I am trying to say is I am grateful when I am in a place where I can be around every flavor of human being, and grateful there are others, like you all in this group, sharing this feeling with me. Nice to meet you all. Thanks for letting me give my opinion. Peace and all respect, and much love to you all, Ray-Jay

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

Awesome to see so much wisdom from a younger guy.

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

New York City is good/great place to meet all the colors and flavors of the rainbow.

I've been fortunate to have meet and cohabited with international male nudists.

I do find, though, there aren't "enough" Black, Brown, and Yellow/Olive PLATONIC American-born male nudists in NYC.

Most of my past nudist roommates weren't American.

I wish POC weren't fetishized clothed and especially nude.

It is what it is.

Let's hope we all meet a truly local and international diverse selection of nudists.

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

Ray-Jay, I honor your different look and gratitude that you can hopefully be safe here around every flavor of human being. I hope you will find the confidence to post a picture of yourself to better relate to the good and beautiful things you have to celebrate, so we can share your pride with you, while acknowledging we all have things that make us unique, and so we shine alone and together.

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

Thank you for stating your point so well! I hope to be able to converse with you soon.

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

Hello Ray Jay,

I understand what you're saying. Everybody deserves a good welcome regardless of your race. I grew up in the late 60's and 70's and seen a lot of ugly racism on the evening new. Other than murder, I recall police in Alabama using German Shepherds to control a riot and letting the dogs bite some of the black people. There were vivid photos in Life Magazine.

I had a friend whose dog was attacked by another dog. There was a heated discussion and finally a white guy leased out a racist comment against one of my black friends. I was happy to be there to condemn his ruthless remarks.

I go to Gunnison Beach in NJ. I hope you find yourself there if you're back in NYC during the warm months. Here you will find a enjoyable place where all are welcome. I'd be happy to meet you there, so send me a personal message to arrange our meeting.

Thanks for serving in the Navy, Wayne

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

hard to respond to a person you cannot see.

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

I used to travel to Japan every other month and it was not unusal to be in the gym/ steam/ sauna of the corporate training center ofmy client. It was amazing to see the different body styles of the Japanese. No they all dont look alike. The only thing was that their personality didnt change there as they treated me as senior to them as I was an instuctor. I tried my best to break that thought process after work and it was an interesting experiance. I do miss my trips there

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RE:I Need All Flavors Around Me

surprised to find your profile private. I thought someone who wanted to be accepted by all would not have a private profile. wayne

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