Clean house

The less laundry part is good!

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cleaning comfortably

I find myself cleaning much more often now that I have added the nude outfit.

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paint naked

i like painting naked cloths never get dirty

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RE: Clean house

well i'm no fan of house cleaning but when i do clean i'm always nude why sweat in clothes. when dusting and vacuuming the living room i'm careful to see if neighbors are home and if they are i will close the mini-blinds but since i do it on wednesday the neighborhood is pretty quite. i have taken trash to the garbage cans at side of house a few times nude but usually will slip on a robe.

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RE: paint naked

i like painting naked cloths never get dirty

Amen to that. Want to visit and help with painting here?

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RE: Clean House

I agree gator, i hate to clean so if i can do it nude.. it puts a bounce in my step! XX Kate

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RE: Clean House

I'm one who cleans the house because it needs cleaning from time to time. Since we're nude most of the time, I don't even think that I'm nude or not. Yesterday I Swiffer wet jetted the kitchen, and swiffered the furniture, etc. in the living room w/o clothes as well as watered indoor plants.

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Clean house

Life is just generally better in the nude isn't it??

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Great thread. I'm not much of a housekeeper myself, so I use getting nude as a personal incentive to do it ("Yeah, it might be boring but you get to take your clothes off!). Makes the whole thing much more enjoyable. And as others have pointed out, so convenient and easy to jump in the shower right afterwards.

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RE: Clean House

I don't mind cleaning nude. In fact, that's the way I prefer doing any kind work when I actually get a chance to. Since I enjoy being nude, I know how to clean well, and currently do not have a regular job, I have recently started to clean other people's houses nude. I get to be nude, whichI love, and I also earn a bit extra money while doing it.I even have had some repeat customers. I don't absolutely love cleaning houses, but it is something I know how to do well, and if I get enough word of mouth , I may have a viable business where I can work nude anytime soon. I will also do house painting nude because I enjoy that too, and it is far easier to get paint off my skin than it is to try to get it off my clothes.

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