RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Last night we were nude in our hot tub. Headed to the river to tan and swim nude here in a little bit.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Today, July 4, 2022. I went to a local wildlife area and did some nude canoeing. When I got home I sat out on the driveway between the cars so I couldn't be seen from the road for a couple of hours.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Nearly every day. I had to miss a few days in May because I was traveling and my room didn't have a balcony. Switched hotels and was lucky enough to have a balcony and got back into getting at least a few minutes of naked time outside. It's been over 100 and below freezing since January, but I make sure to still get fresh air on my naked bits!

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

We went for a vacation at nude resort 3 weeks back and for 5 days we were nude 24x7. It was in huge area with nice garden and pool.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Been long time now. 2017 was the last time we had a nude vacation

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Yesterday at Black's Beach in San Diego. First visit for me. Weather was great, warm and partly cloudy with cool ocean breezes that paragliders took advantage of. Unfortunately, most visitors were textiles (tourists perhaps?). Hope to go back soon as we had a wonderful day.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Tonight, 11 July, I sat out in the backyard using the gas grill and the garage for a little privacy and nude time. There was a nice breeze until it started to get dark and calm, then the mosquitoes found me. Do much for my outdoor nude time.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

I try to go out each morning before light and I walk the back yard with coffee in hand. What a great feeling!

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Almost every day during the summer. Yesterday I cleaned out a stock tank in the pasture while I was naked. The day before that I took the dog out for his morning walk around the farm naked.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Saturday in the dunes of Lake Michigan! A lovely day.

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