New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

So I'll go first. I have resolved to completely stop trying to meet the expectations of others. I have a hard enough time meeting the expectations I've set for myself!

The 2nd resolution I've made is to do something I've never done before!

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

I need to take things more seriously. I spent all of '21 going through the motions and letting other people "drive my bus" because I kept thinking the pandemic would end and I could "resume control" then.
Now I realize we have to make the best of this situation and I will contribute more at work, in life, and maybe even in love. (I won't get my hopes up... LOL)
Thank you for this forum. Best to all of you.

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

Attend the YMCA 6 of 7 days a week, get in better shape for more nude activities I plan on attending this year after my divorce.

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

So I've already done 2 things, just yesterday, that I've never done before. The first was completely unintentional: I unknowingly parked in a handicapped space which did not have the traditional Handicapped sign with the wheel chair nor did it have a blue painted curb. I parked there less than an hour while I helped my husband install an art exhibition. I went back to my car (a rental b/c mine is in the shop after someone plowed into me) to find a ticket on the windshield! Worse yet---the fine is $130!! ----- the 2nd NEW thing I did yesterday was go a local smoke shop (I don't smoke) and purchased a couple pieces of chocolate cannabis candies. And that was only 4 days into January. Makes me excited to see what lies ahead - I have lots of new things I'd like to do! How about you?

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

Just catching up here but want to take a moment to say that I really like your outlook and appreciate your perspective on personal change. Wishing you the best in ALL of the areas you mentioned!

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

Responding a little late for this one, here goes.
First, I never make NY resolutions because that would imply I have something wrong, hahahahaha.
Second, if just for the sake of argument I did have something wrong, I do not, why wait until NY to change. If my tire is flat, I change it today not Jan 1st. I am a work in progress still with many rough edges, LOL

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RE:New Year's resolutions I've made for this year

You're welcome. A little introspection never hurt any of us. It sounds like our aspirations are pretty similar.

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