World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

My sweetheart and I will be working in the yard - at least in the forenoon - and trying our best to get a bit of a tan
Lots of raking and weeding to be done, and a whole new garden to finish off planting and screening.
Who else has plans to plant tomorrow?

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World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

I'm afraid I was impatient. My squash, cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes have already gotten a good start. Today I planted green beans and corn before the rain set in.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

Out her eon the Best Coast, we have had a cool spring, but the gardens are progressing, so tomorrow morning I hope to be able to plant some KJale and salad greens, they should like the cool damp season we are enduring at the moment. I already have peas and spuds and herbs growing happily, and garlic about a foot tall!

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!


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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

In observance of WNGD, I planted peas today, which completes my planting. Now I hope that my plants grow taller than the weeds.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

True to form, I read about this the day AFTER the event! It was pretty chilly here in MA, anyways. Michael and I did go to the B&G Skintastic event, we got a little nude socializing in, if no gardening. I do have a small yard, but live in the inner city. Does anyone know, in MA, would I get arrested for being nude in my yard? There is a fence, but I am surrounded by triple-deckers, so there will be people able to see into my yard...

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

My wife is the real gardener; I'm just her helper and follow

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

Travelites from around the SC Midlands as well as GA gathered for a fun-filled day for the World Naked Gardening Day and Mexican Fiesta. Some of our wonderful members were helping to dig and beautify the property; unfortunately, when just about after the butterfly bush's respository was 1/2 way dug, liquid sunshine invaded our space. Hope to be able to get it into the ground today.

We did drag off some limbs that needed trimming. This place is really turning into a beautiful little piece of heaven.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - TOMORROW!

Travelites from around the SC Midlands as well as GA gathered for a fun-filled day for the World Naked Gardening Day and Mexican Fiesta. Some of our wonderful members were helping to dig and beautify the property; unfortunately, when just about after the butterfly bush's respository was 1/2 way dug, liquid sunshine invaded our space. Hope to be able to get it into the ground today.We did drag off some limbs that needed trimming. This place is really turning into a beautiful little piece of heaven.

Yesterday,Sunday, we finished planting the butterfly bush plus some Black Barrow (deep purple flowers) bulbs.

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RE: World Naked Gardening Day - Update

Did some minor garden chores but it was too cold and too many neighbors out to go nude.

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