Florida and the David Statue "conflict"

One of the nude-related topics regards a school principal having to resign or be fired regarding an issue about Michaelangelo's David statue taught in part of the curriculum. Headlines suggest that she had to leave because she had not informed parents about the lesson. If someone actually reads the full story, this was merely the culmination of her modus operendi of not following various guidelines. It is a trend that she herself admitted. I forgotten about this until reading (a headline only) that some Italians are outraged, and want people to visit Florence to see the statue. Its a nice invitation certainly, but there really is no story here....the school administrator admitted that 97% of parents were fine with the lesson plan. I'm only posting this in the hope of some clarification and suggest people perform due dilligence prior to getting outraged. Carry on, everyone....enjoy your nudity!

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RE:Florida and the David Statue "conflict"

It's clear that schools have guidelines for teachers to follow, and that tourist boards will seize any opportunity to get more people to visit their sites.
What I found disconcerting about this is not that a parent considers Michelangelo's David statue to be pornographic, but rather that the school board considered it "controversial" enough to warrant that parents should be notified beforehand. It's interesting how narrowly defined such controversy has become. Would notices be mailed out prior to discussing current events including stories, pictures or other depictions of violence which are common on airwaves?
The BBC cited Florentine art historian Thomas Montanari as saying "From a cultural perspective the Western world has a tendency to associate fundamentalism and censorship with other societies...but this cultural backsliding clearly highlights the presence of fundamentalist views within the West itself."

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