What are the nudist versions of these textile idioms?

How could we nudists change these textile idioms to make more sense for when we use them as speech, making them as realistic as possible as they pertain to nudists?

1. Have a trick up your sleeve
2. Roll up your sleeves
3. Give someone the shirt off your back
4. Hitting below the belt
5. Tighten our belts
6. Burning a hole in your pocket
7. So scared I crapped my pants
8. So scared I pissed my pants
9. Scare your pants off
10. Just keep your shirt on...
11. Just keep your pants on...
12. Caught with your pants down

And any others you can think of you may want to add.

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RE:What are the nudist versions of these textile idioms?

I lost my shirt in...
Time to put on your big boy pants.
Got their panties in a bunch.
Knock your socks off.
Hats off to you.
Take off the kid gloves.
Getting caught with your pants down.
Got hot under the collar.
Scare the pants off...
Ants in the pants.
A real smarty pants.
Wears the pants in the house.
With belt and suspenders.

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