Adding "Friends" Who Are Not Real Friends
What is the point of adding 'friends' to a friends list when these so called friends never reply to messages or engage in any kind of meaningful conversation? I am cleaning out my 'friends' list and deleting most right and left because many left this site years ago or do not reply to messages. Sadly, it seems that most of the real nudists of some substance have left this site and what appears to be left are picture collectors or those who wish to live in a fantasy world where they imagine a bunch of real friends. Who else is getting rid of the so called 'friends'?
I have always checked for some common factor when viewing a friend request. One of the things I look for is the number of friends that person has. That's why you will see that I have very few friends, and even fewer who have corresponded with me.
I'm glad someone has brought this up, what's the point of so called friends list, if someone came up to you in the street and said I want to be your friend the reply would be a rude one that's for sure.
On here I like your profile......... how about Hi my name is ***** and I'm from ****** I have been a nudist for XXXX number of years do you get the drift.
If you want to be my friend do the above, if not are you just collecting names just to boast to other people that you have thousands of friends all over the world, if so I feel sorry for you.
Though I am not on the site everyday, I am real and will chat to anyone, who is real, that wants to chat.
When someone requests me, I look over the profile first. A definite decline is the scammers with links to other sites. When someone randomly messages me politely to chat, they go on the block list after they ask to go to Google Hangouts to continue the conversation, which I never use to begin with.
I've come to find out from reading some articles they go into their requesting money scam on the Google Hangouts. It is a shame that some fall for it, because they are desperate and very lonely, that people think the person is actually into them when the scammers are also talking to others at the same time with the same speech.
"Friend" used to be a noun, of substance, whereas now it is just as much a verb or action. This serves to dehumanize (or more aptly "unfriend") people.
I'm selective to exclude TN friend requests who look either fake or designated as private, and often expect a response to a short message prior to accepting. On the other hand, I send friend requests to people who's postings I admire and want on my feed.
As TN is dying and the posting volumes continue to decline, I'm more interested in converting good TN contacts to friends and acquaintances outside of the platform.
I must agree to all the above listed comments. There is no advantage to adding someone as a *Friend* if there is nothing in common & no attempt to communicate. I will periodically send a general note to different friends to see if anything has changed. Its not a big deal or anything else but a simple reminder that someone out there remembers you exist & wants to say hello. Maybe its time that I checked my list, too?
Over the decade that I've been a member here, I've made and received many, many Friend Requests.
My first criterion is - does it look like I'd have anything in common with this person? Most random requests without a message are consigned to the bin.
There are a number of local guys that have moved from 'pen-friend' to real life friend. I have kept several overseas friends' contacts as, though we don't often correspond, when we do it feels like we are getting to know each other.
Every few months I clean out my list and purge it of those who didn't even respond to my 'I like to keep in contact' message.