Prompt - Nudist Holiday

Here is a prompt that came to me this morning. What if a town or city set aside one weekend a year where nudism was allowed--encouraged--within the city limits on all private and city property? What issues would arise? How would they be dealt with? I'll write to this sometime in the next few weeks. I'll probably use Boulder, Colorado, as my city--my birthplace. Boulder is wacky enough that this could happen there, and the city owns a lot of open space and mountain parks, which would be nice in this scenario.

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RE:Prompt - Nudist Holiday

Great idea! Coming from a Naturist at would think all our naturist organisations would have thought of this and would have lobbied for it!
Yet no one heard of such a project...
So, good on you mate for launching this great idea which could be a fantastic opportunity to promote naturism IF DONE PROPERLY!As the event could easily be hijacked by various groups or indivuduals who have nothing to do with naturism and more about exhibitionism and clear guidelines to be enforced would need to be considered for such a project.

Here in New South Wales in Australia, ANY council has the power to declare any public space near a water body, a clothing optional the hard work regarding the event being legal is already done here...although for it to be extended to the whole town would require some additiin work ...either legislate or having the council placing inflatable pools all over tge town to meet the legislation requirement.
While it would be great to have such an event by the sea, we have many regional/ rural towns, which are struggling economically, and this could be put forward, highlighting it will bring $$$$ to local economy and bring awareness about the locality at a state or national level,possibly international if done properly with support of international naturism entities.

The tiny piece of legislation that could allow any council in NSW/ Australia, to declare a town to be legally declared open for nude sunbathing ( clothing optional):

**New South Wales Consolidated Acts**


**Bathing (including nude bathing) and other water-based recreational activities**

**633 Bathing (including nude bathing) and other water-based recreational activities**

(1) A person who, in a place being--

(a) a public bathing place under the control of a council, or

(b) a river, watercourse or tidal or non-tidal water, or

(c) the sea adjacent to (although outside) an area, or

(d) a public place adjacent to any of those places, fails to comply with the terms of a notice erected by the council is guilty of an offence.

**:** Maximum penalty--10 penalty units.

(2) A person who is in public view in the nude in any place (other than a designated beach) referred to in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence unless a notice erected by the council at the place allows the use of the place (or part of the place) for the purposes of nude bathing.

**:** Maximum penalty--10 penalty units.

(3) A council may erect a notice--

(a) on land vested in or under the control of a council, or

(b) on any other land, with the consent of the person who owns or controls the land.

(4) The terms of a notice referred to in this section may relate to one or more of the following--

(a) the conduct and costume of the bathers in the place,

(b) the use of the place (or any part of the place open to public view) for the purposes of nude bathing,

(c) the use of water-based recreational equipment in the place.

(4A) However, a notice referred to in this section cannot prohibit--

(a) the use of a designated beach for the purposes of nude bathing, or

(b) a person from otherwise being in the nude at a designated beach.

(4B) Accordingly, any such notice (whether erected before or after the commencement of the *Local Government Amendment (Nude Bathing) Act 1996* ) that purports to prohibit the use of a designated beach for the purposes of nude bathing, or that purports to prohibit a person from otherwise being in the nude at a designated beach, has no effect on or after that commencement.

(4C) A notice referred to in this section cannot prohibit or regulate the use of any waters by a vessel (within the meaning of the [*Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995* ][Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995_])--

(a) in the case of a notice erected after the commencement of this subsection--unless the Minister administering that Act has consented to the erection of that notice, or

(b) in the case of a notice erected before that commencement--if the Minister administering that Act has directed the council to remove the notice. (5) The terms of a notice referred to in this section may--

(a) apply generally or be limited in their application by reference to specified exceptions or factors, or

(b) apply differently according to different factors of a specified kind,

or may do any combination of those things.

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RE:Prompt - Nudist Holiday

Do they define 'nude', Vince? Cannot see where. Victoria and Queensland define exposure in terms of genitals and anus. On the plus side, NSW is ahead on designation of nude spots, even if it could be further relaxed everywhere.

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RE:Prompt - Nudist Holiday

The listed legislation refers to clothing optional and nude sunbathing.

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RE:Prompt - Nudist Holiday

Does Queensland have similar provisions within its local government act?

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RE:Prompt - Nudist Holiday

I just read this what a great idea !

I know that in Key West in Florida USA. They have a fantasy festival and few more were being semi nude is legal. Plus there is the nude bar where lots of people are naked and drinking. I can imagine that some of these free spirited cities could make this work. Austin Texas would be a good start or San Francisco

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