Travel plans in 2024-2025

We are making plans to do more travels with some set ones but also future planning. Happy to chat about meeting up along the way.
Currently Samoa early April
Cairns via Birdsville track to Sydney June/July
USA, well Texas October
Hoping to visit Egypt, parts of Europe and Vietnam in 2025.
Only rules - be fun, happy to be nude and like to travel.
Lets go

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RE:Travel plans in 2024-2025

None until I get my cataracts done as they cloud my eyesight too much to be legal to drive.

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RE:Travel plans in 2024-2025

None until I get my cataracts done as they cloud my eyesight too much to be legal to drive.

My wife is having her cataracts done next month. She's looking forward to being able to drive again. Her best friend had the surgery done a few years back and said that her only regret was that she hadn't had it done sooner.

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