RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.
I have had coyotes walk near me and barely turn their heads within 100 yards. Similar with deer and the smaller critters. Even shunk crossed by and did not seem to care.

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RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.I have had coyotes walk near me and barely turn their heads within 100 yards. Similar with deer and the smaller critters. Even shunk crossed by and did not seem to care.

I've noticed that, too, and wondered whether it's the clothes themselves, or some change in the way I move and carry myself.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I've noticed that, too, and wondered whether it's the clothes themselves, or some change in the way I move and carry myself.
That is a really interesting question. I have never had that experience but it has me wondering if not wearing clothing eliminates or reduces smells that might scare animals.

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RE:Why are you naked?

Like above posters, I have suspected for years that forest critters are less startled by naked me than by clothed me. Could be the scent or not-in-nature color of clothing. But it could just be what I project energy-wise. We do have bear and now mountain lions where I live, though. So I may be hiking naked-with-a-cowbell. So much for not drawing attention to the naked hiker. :-)

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RE:Why are you naked?

One thing I have noticed while hiking nude is that that animals I come across seem to care less about me walking by.I have had coyotes walk near me and barely turn their heads within 100 yards. Similar with deer and the smaller critters. Even shunk crossed by and did not seem to care.

I have always felt like clothes is a disconnect from nature, from all that is natural. That is why whenever I'm near nature, I feel the urge to instantly rip my clothes apart and run free like a wild bear that just escaped a Zoo and is now back home, in the wild. Our four legged brothers and sisters are already naked, it's natural. They won't be afraid of nakedness.

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RE:Why are you naked?

Whenever I'm near nature, I feel the urge to instantly rip my clothes apart and run free like a wild bear that just escaped a Zoo and is now back home, in the wild.

I feel the urge to rip my clothes off there and in a lot of other situations also.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I so concur. Being at the nude beach is so amazing being in touch with nature. Your actual bare butt in the same unhindered

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RE:Why are you naked?

I so concur. Being at the nude beach is so amazing being in touch with nature. Your actual bare butt in the same unhindered

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RE:Why are you naked?

For me, I like the freedom that nudity gives and being out in nature is wonderful. Nudity is a great equalizer, there can be 3 nudist. One is a factory worker, another is an office worker and the last is a doctor and the 3 are on an equal standing unless they tell the others what their profession is.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I fall into the same camp as many. Its about the freedom from clothes. I dislike wearing them and just deem more natural without them. Its definitely not about showing offI dont have anything to show off! lol! We were born nude, and that is how we really should be able to live!!

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