RE: winter nudism

Michigian here who doesn't want the heating bills to stay comfortably nude during the winter so I'm usually attired in sweat shirt and pants at home during those cold months.

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RE: winter nudism

when winter come i will pull out my white t-shirt most only come to the waist but i do have one that almost come to the knees if really cold but always commando 365 days a year.

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RE: Winter nudism

Two words.......Fire Place!!! Love it.

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RE: Winter nudism

I do my best to enjoy nude time all year round. However, during a Scottish winter, most of the nudity is indoors. Last winter, though, I did go for a naked walk in the deep snow - freezing, but fun, and very short-lived.

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RE: Winter nudism

I usually am nude all year round and I live in Pennsylvania. I have a great fire place so most times have a fire going or I do turn up the heat a bit around end of Nov to beginning of March.

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RE: Winter nudism

Back in 1969 I got my first lesson in winter nudism. It was newyears party Thompson Manitoba, and a dare to run around the block naked in -40. In these conditions I was still not accepting i was a nudist but jumped at the chance for a little fresh air and action, though in a highly illegal setting it was fun. The key is action from the time you hit the cold air till you get back inside. Don't stop. I have done this again occasionally since, in a slightly more legal setting :-)

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RE: Winter nudism

I stay nude at home all year. In the winter I just turn the heat up and sometimes if it's really chilly I'll wear a t-shirt, to ward off the chill,and be nude from the waist down.

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RE: Winter nudism

it really doesnt get cold enough in winter here unless theres a good storm brewing up

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RE: below 65 degrees

winter time i keep the stat at 72 deg when get home i take a hot bathe and i am good tobe nude the rest of the night as far as going out side i do not spend a lot of time outside but it is refreshing when it supper cold for a few minits

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RE: Winter nudism

Two words.......Fire Place!!! Love it.

Er ... Fireplace is one work. Check your dictionary :)

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