RE: Follow Up

Hmm, a lot of memory space would be made availabe if Swifthawk reduced his/their number of postings saying the same thing, like in # 61 - 69 in this discussion.
All the repeated posts, by the time I added this comment #62 - 69 have been removed. But I can't remove THIS post, only edit it.

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RE: Follow Up

Hmm, a lot of memory space would be made availabe if Swifthawk reduced his/their number of postings saying the same thing, like in # 61 - 69 in this discussion.

LOL, He'll try anything to up his post count!

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

n e 1 want to talk message me

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Maybe you could have at least given people notice, it

True nudists is a FREE online community for naturists worldwide. We are the number 1 resource for nudist resorts, nude beaches or nudist friends in your area.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

Try using for unlimted webhosting including bandwidth, I established there in 2001 and would go nowhere else! Then can TrueNudists be free again, please. Find a new donation method, sell goods like from affiliation. If you do some work, this site can remain free and grow which results in you selling ad space for more $ and better click through rates. Check all my photos, I have no pockets meaning I have no money to give you, but supporting your international sponsors in Australia I would probably do. Add a clasified Pay Per Insert section?! Editorials make money, think also like an editor of a newspaper, your a mogul if you want, but poor if you are greedy. A Co-Operative Community can be resourceful.

Good luck,
(previously with a C)

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

Someone questioned earlier in this thread why some people find it necessary to post so many pictures in their profile. I have posted many pics that depect my nudist life as it has evolved over the last 2 years. If one was to view them in the order they were posted, one would notice each one has a "caption" and tells a story.

Paypal - TT1 mentioned that Paypal had cancelled this account because it was deemed "adult," however I just noticed that Skinbook still accepts donations via Paypal. Is this a double standard by this pay service or have they just not caught up to Skinbook yet?

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

[QUOTE]Someone questioned earlier in this thread why some people find it necessary to post so many pictures in their profile.[/QUOTE]
I posted lots of pictures because it was encouraged here. I don't remember the exact quote but I think it was something like; those that post more pictures rank higher. Now I'm debating what to do with those pictures. I don't use the chat. I used the forum a little. Mostly I shared pics here because the amount of pics weren't limited and, in fact, posting more pics was encouraged. Right now, it feels like someone has pulled the old bait and switch. I will probably take my pictures down in the very near future.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

[QUOTE]Someone questioned earlier in this thread why some people find it necessary to post so many pictures in their profile.
I posted lots of pictures because it was encouraged here. I don't remember the exact quote but I think it was something like; those that post more pictures rank higher. Now I'm debating what to do with those pictures. I don't use the chat. I used the forum a little. Mostly I shared pics here because the amount of pics weren't limited and, in fact, posting more pics was encouraged. Right now, it feels like someone has pulled the old bait and switch. I will probably take my pictures down in the very near future.
Agree very much to this! I've used the Forum more, especially the "Humor and fun" part with the challenging Scrabble game going on there.
Sharing pics is a way of telling about your nudist life. If you only wanna show off there are other sites for that. But the crucial point here is that I don't want my friends to pay for going through my photo album. I don't like the idea that someone else get paid for my photos.

Seems like RockWarrior has several good proposals for the technicalities, hope they can be useful.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

I'm wondering if there's a misunderstanding....think this through, you can have more than five pics here and all remains the same, the fundamental difference is that if you want to VIEW more than five on other profiles then you need to pay the $4.95/per month.
THE BIGGER BENEFIT IS: is that now, pictures cannot be copied by ANYONE which makes this site and the pics safer than many others. A benefit that everyone was lobbying for about four to six months ago. Five bucks a month to protect our pics and not see Jen on a Russian porn site, you bet I'll pay it, if just for that!

BTW folks, other sites like NING are totally unsafe for pic use. Images are stored in a server somewhere, where other ning accounts can pick them up and display them without your knowledge or permission. Absolutely no ownership control... so go for it... The advantage here is so much greater!

So the sky isn't falling, the sky IS NOT falling, it's getting sunnier!


P.S. and as we've told others in chat, the VISA/MC issue IS being addressed.... nothing is perfect the first time you create it...

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

Steve, The pics can still be copied. I'd be happy to copy any of yours and send them to you. If you can see it on the screen, you can copy them.

Go ahead and try....using 'save picture as," and the 'copy' commands, save a clear frame to file, when you go to open it up, nothing there....

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