RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

LOL, Curt, I appreciate the fact that you knew exactly what I was talking about and didn't get offended thatI mentioned you. Almost edited that out. You come up with some good ideas and I enjoy reading your posts.

Phil, you are very clever. You know what I'm talking about

TT1, thank you for taking the time to read through all our stuff and nonsense, take into consideration what we all have to say and glean the ideas that might work.


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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

lol...Yeah Curt, I'd be screwed if they made me pay to use the forums.

One idea I wish they would consider is charging for use/viewing cams in the chatroom. That feature, while I love it, causes more problems than it's worth sometimes and if people were forced to pay for the privlege, maybe everybody involved would respect it a bit more. Besides, it would also address his concerns about bandwith, as I imagine webcams eat up way more than pics do.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, which is pretty easy for me to do, I'd like to make just 3 points. First, I haven't read all the postings on this topic before making this post. Secondly, if this site isgotten tothe point where I have to pay afee to seepics of people, so be it. And last but not least, if I am only here to to gawk at other peoples pics, I don't feel that I should have to pay to see all of myown pics onthis sitewhen the owner of this site cannot bare the common decency to post his or her own pic.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, which is pretty easy for me to do, I'd like to make just 3 points. First, I haven't read all the postings on this topic before making this post. Secondly, if this site isgotten tothe point where I have to pay afee to seepics of people, so be it. And last but not least, if I am only here to to gawk at other peoples pics, I don't feel that I should have to pay to see all of myown pics onthis sitewhen the owner of this site cannot bare the common decency to post his or her own pic.

Hehe...Actually the owner has his own profile here, just can't remember the name of it and it has pics. If it's the person I'm thinking of that is. Also, you don't have to pay to see your own pics. That said though, you didn't sound like an idiot at all. lol :)

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

A case in point about the ning sites is that when I went to join one, I didn't have to upload a profile pic. It offered to set the pic I had as a profle pic on another site as my profile pic.
I may be wrong but I do belong many Ning sites and have different profile pics. What I have noticed is that when I first put in my Yahoo email address it pulls my Yahoo profile pic into the site. You may want to check that out.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

Well, I have closed my account at PayPal because I have no need to do business with a bunch of filthy-minded morons. And I told them they were dirty-minded for having terminated service with this site. If we all closed our accounts with PayPal, it might get them to sit up and take notice... So tell your nudist friends to consider closing their accounts too, if they have any.

I stopped my subscription through paypal for the donations I was making monthly to TN. But, unfortunately, I cannot close my entire PayPal account. This is what I use to get my medications.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

QUOTING TX A case in point about the ning sites is that when I went to join one, I didn't have to upload a profile pic. It offered to set the pic I had as a profle pic on another site as my profile pic. I may be wrong but I do belong many Ning sites and have different profile pics. What I have noticed is that when I first put in my Yahoo email address it pulls my Yahoo profile pic into the site. You may want to check that out.
That is a good point, the profile pic is the same one as I use on my yahoo profile, but thought I didnt have a pic on profile at the time. I did have to upload a pic to the first ning site I did join.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

lol...Yeah Curt, I'd be screwed if they made me pay to use the forums. One idea I wish they would consider is charging for use/viewing cams in the chatroom. That feature, while I love it, causes more problems than it's worth sometimes and if people were forced to pay for the privlege, maybe everybody involved would respect it a bit more. Besides, it would also address his concerns about bandwith, as I imagine webcams eat up way more than pics do.
Making use of cams in chat a pay feature has been mentioned and teamtrue1 mentioned that in his response in this post, I think about page 3 or 4. This change doesn't affect me, I have been a donor for months now.

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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

You are missing the point, people are angry about their donated photos, that they chose to post for the enjoyment of their friends are being used as a drawcard for this sites profit. We did not post ours for profit! We don't expect this site to profit from them! If thats what you want to do, pay some photographers for some!
Have you read the entire post under this topic? I also wonder why you created multiple posts in forum saying the same thing you said here.

I have been a member here for about a year, almost since the site was created. If that time it has grown form 700 to about 17,000. The site has been free, it was paid for by the site owner to create a social network for nudists. The cost for running the site increased with the membership as well as the workload. The site owner no longer was able to enjoy coming in to chat to socialize on the site he created. He eventually got some revenue from the ads on the site but still had to ask for donations since they didn't cover expenses. What he got instead of a lot of donations was people complained about things not getting done fast enough for them. He had to work a full time job, it was not that he was making a profit from this site and able to devote all of his time to it. I have been a donor here and this change will not make a difference. The membership is a bit less than I was donating to begin with. I have met some great people here, many of which I have met in person. It didn't matter to the couples that I was a single male, what mattered was the freindship that developed.

While there is no system that is totally fool proof, at least our pics are now a lot more difficult to copy. It does not do any of us any good to tell others how to copy and save pics, most people do not know how to do it.

I will be leaving my pics on here, most of my friends will be donating just like I will. Any that won't be for what ever reason know that all they have to do is ask and I will email pics to them.


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RE: Truenudists goes the Freemium Route.

I think this is a great site ,, and you have done a terrific job in keeping the site running ... I think a nominal dotaation for what we get isnt too much to ask .. being honest, I havent donated yet .. but wil be happy to when you set - up M/C system

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