Help regarding certification

I was looking through the "certification" requirements and saw this: "Your selected gender must match your actual gender."
I'm not sure how to interpret that language. I initially selected "male" as my gender because most will "perceive" me as male in photographs, but that is incorrect. My birth-sex is male, but I identify as female (transgender, male to female). I have not surgically transitioned yet, so to the "naked eye" I appear very "male." I also don't always appear female or male in public, but usually somewhere between the two. This is an awkward time for people like me and it's tough even bringing it up in public like this.
Can an option for "trangender" people be added to the gender area? If desired, a clarification can be made like "transgender MTF" and "transgender FTM." Other sites are using those terms or just "other" for gender. I'm a bit surprised by this requirement because so much focus is placed on gender --- which one wouldn't think would be important in a true nudist environment.
For the record, I'm relatively new to nudism/naturalism and I'm using it as a way to help me with my transition and self awareness. It's been very healing and I'm learning so much about myself. If I can walk around looking very male in nudist environments, I'm hoping that I can be more comfortable when clothed --- whether perceived as male or female --- or simply some derogatory term inevitably shouted at me on the streets.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I notice you're listed as female on your profile,so why not just leave it as that. I see no reason to make an issue out of it. Just relax, get to know people and enjoy your time here.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I notice you're listed as female on your profile,so why not just leave it as that. I see no reason to make an issue out of it. Just relax, get to know people and enjoy your time here.understood... but my photos would be questioned for certification under the rule. Oh well... don't need to be certified I suppose..

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RE: Help regarding certification

I agree completely with you, I think the gender binary lines really should be a bit more flexible. I identify as gender fluid or 3rd gender, and the only reason I am not crazy about the certification process is it says it will "lock your gender". Not everyone identifies in the same duality as the outdated American viewpoint. Other countries, traditions, and cultures throughout history had a bit more of an open view on gender then we tend to in the U.S... The times are changing, but not quick enough for many.
I personally met the owners of this site, so I will talk to them about this matter when I speak to them next.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I personally met the owners of this site, so I will talk to them about this matter when I speak to them next.Furthermore I would love an area to specify in the orientation "pan-sexual" or at least "other". I'll see what I can do.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I notice you're listed as female on your profile,so why not just leave it as that. I see no reason to make an issue out of it. Just relax, get to know people and enjoy your time here.Things may seem this cut-and-dry in your view of the world, however it is sometimes healthy to think outside your own view of it. Walk in another's shoes as they say. Consider applauding individuals that are proud of their identity and wish to be transparent about it.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I think the objective of the site owners was to see that you are who and what you say you are. They are trying to flush out the old man saying he is a 24 year old girl.

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RE: Help regarding certification

I think the objective of the site owners was to see that you are who and what you say you are. They are trying to flush out the old man saying he is a 24 year old girl. BobThank you, that does make sense. However the nature of our question/concern is not why do they list genders, but why do they NOT list all genders?

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RE: Help regarding certification

Can an option for "trangender" people be added to the gender area? If desired, a clarification can be made like "transgender MTF" and "transgender FTM." Other sites are using those terms or just "other" for gender.Mychal, I understand your frustration. TT1 is working on a new version and in TN 3.0 the sex will include options such as Transgender, Gay Couple, etc. Please be patient. It is in the works.

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RE: Help regarding certification

Hello, new couple here. And we really are a new couple, and we really are "True Nudists" -- have visited our first "nudist camp" the year prior to our wedding, and we'll have been married 46 years on Monday! (And still look good, I might add.)
Now, for the question: we would like to be certified, and we'll gladly post nude photos from Haulover Beach and Bare Necessities and all kinds of places. But do we really have to print out this identification business? Can't we just send you the photos. Honestly, they were not PhotoShopped. (I have the program, but I'm not that good with it.)
As loooong time members of AANR and the Naturist Society, we can supply any kind of identification. Heck, we'd even do the photo thing, but our printer needs help as well. Please give us some advice.
P.S. We're hitting the "Reply" button because we haven't figured out how to post!

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RE: Help regarding certification

Thank you. We'll get on that project today during our nude dinner party.

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