In response to NudeIn MA question. No I was NEVER reincarnated. Yes I am 63 years old and will be 64 in Oct. Yes you are older than I am. I do not wish to argue over this, but if you will go back to my blog where I said it and read it AGAIN, it said older than MOST people on the site. Can we be friends on this and just enjoy the site.

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btw, it's i b 4 e except after c.
And in weird, weigh, sleigh, seizure, vein, eight, freight, beige ...
it's i before e except after c or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh. LOL It's a little ditty that helps me remember.
Hugs, the grammar goddess. LOL

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Can we be friends on this and just enjoy the site.

Yes, let's be friends, agree when we can, disagree when we must, and share stories over a mug of good brew (mine will be non-alcoholic).

And since I'm feeling sort of responsible for all this having started, here's my virtual cash to pay for the round!

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btw, it's i b 4 e except after c.
And in weird, weigh, sleigh, seizure, vein, eight, freight, beige ...
it's i before e except after c or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh. LOL It's a little ditty that helps me remember.
Hugs, the grammar goddess. LOL
Thanks Cheri and Nudin, but I can't keep on learning like this, I'm running out of memory!

This spelling lark, really does my head in, my spell checker runs red hot -ALL- the time.

I don't know why we can't just spell fen, .... fene .... fene .... fen .... et .... ic .... ally ... fenetically,

it would be soooooooo much easier :)

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btw, it's i b 4 e except after c.
And in weird, weigh, sleigh, seizure, vein, eight, freight, beige ...
it's i before e except after c or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh. LOL It's a little ditty that helps me remember.
Hugs, the grammar goddess. LOL
Thanks Cheri and Nudin, but I can't keep on learning like this, I'm running out of memory!

This spelling lark, really does my head in, my spell checker runs red hot -ALL- the time.

I don't know why we can't just spell fen, .... fene .... fene .... fen .... et .... ic .... ally ... fenetically,

it would be soooooooo much easier :)

LOL - phonetically - but nice try! I love your frenetic spelling Phil!

More FAQ's - a link to a listing of all the threads that ask and answer questions about erections -


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Time for a


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a few minor problems I am having

First, I would like to have the "Visits" section allow us to say what city we are visiting instead of the name of a beach, camp, etc. Example, I am gonna be in Portland Oregon this summer, and I have no idea where the good places are. I would like to be able to have people from Portland be able to see I will be in their area and perhaps they can reccommend a place.
Second, I keep having problems with staying logged in. I have had to re-log in sometimes as often as 6 times an hour! Can we please have the site remember where we are for at least 24 hours?
Finally, I am still waiting for certification. I sent the required pics of me clothed and naked holding the sign with my name on it. It's been 3 days and still nothing. Should I resend? How long should it take?

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More FAQ's.


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RE: More FAQ's.


You beat me to it! LOL

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