
NIM.. How has your day been? Mine was exceptionally busy, it is after all getting close to Tax time here in Australia. Can't wait to lodge my tax return, nothing like the Government giving back a sum that is well deserved!
Aside from the lingering winter, everything is fine. Spring is coming and the opportunity to get an early start on the all-over tan is growing near.

Hi to both of you,

It's tax time in Canada as well. I already know I've overpaid and can expect a refund, so I'm just waiting for that last little slip to come in so I can fill in the forms, mail them out and get my money!

Actually, maybe I'll try filing electronically. I hear it's actually a quicker way to get a refund. Can anyone confirm this?

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RE: Taxes

Being "self employed" here in the US, it gets complicated.
Because I'm self employed, I have to pay twice the SS rate, plus the self-employment punishment, officially called the self-employment penalty tax.
As such, even though I'm below the poverty rate this year, I probably owe everything I made, plus penalties.
I *wish* there was a refund for those of us who try to better ourselves.

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RE: Taxes

Being "self employed" here in the US, it gets complicated.Because I'm self employed, I have to pay twice the SS rate, plus the self-employment punishment, officially called the self-employment penalty tax.As such, even though I'm below the poverty rate this year, I probably owe everything I made, plus penalties.I *wish* there was a refund for those of us who try to better ourselves.
I agree. The US gov't makes it easy for someone who just tries to live off the system, but makes it really hard to get ahead. The tax code, regulations, licensing, legal monopolies, and a great many other things have been imposed on us, at gunpoint if neccessary, to keep the poor poor and make the rich richer. Note: this is NOT due to capatalism or the free market. That started to go away in the 1930s under President Herbert Hoover, and has been eroded away little by little until what we have is at best a corporatist market and is quickly becoming a socialist market. There is hope as men like Ron Paul have introduced legislation that will help restore the free market in the US. there is also a group called downsize dc DOTorg that uses e-mail to constantly inundate capitol hill with letters from their members requesting that liberty be restored. Finally, there is a proposal for a fair tax scheme that would abolish the IRS and make taxes fair for everyone (and help you keep more in your pocket.

This, of course, has nothing DIRECTLY to do with nudism, but is something I feel VERY passionate about. I hope no one thinks this is spam because it's not intended to be. I got on my soapbox and rambled a bit like I tend to do sometimes. I'm off now :-)

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RE: Taxes

I always E file, the tax preperation software I use makes it easy. I also have my refund direct deposited. I get my refund in less than half the time by doing so.

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RE: Taxes

nudeinma i agree but this year i did get a refund but it was good cause i don't have any more to send them since they take from me all the time, maybe they can give me some of that stimulis

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