Streak the Cove, Cypress Cove - Sept 12th

I'm down in FL the weekend of the 12th to run the Cypress Cove, Streak the Cove Naked 5K. Anyone else?

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RE: Streak the Cove, Cypress Cove - Sept 12th

I already have plans for that weekend, but if I was free, I would definitely join you. I jog, roller blade and bicycle regularly here in Fort Lauderdale, and I get to hike naked in the Big Cypress every chanceI get.
Enjoy the race,

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RE: Streak the Cove, Cypress Cove - Sept 12th

Can't make it this year, ran it last year and had a great time. Hope you enjoy it, it's great fun.

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RE: Streak the Cove, Cypress Cove - Sept 12th

This is the second year in a row I thought about going to Cypress Cove for the nude 5k, but the second time that going for Nude-a-Palooza won out! Too bad round trips from Boston aren't dirt cheap any more... If they were, we would do both, plus go back to Nudestock at Laguna del Sol again!

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