RE: Touch Practice

It is a great web site to read through. According to the FAQ's getting erect happens often and should be celebrated.And erections should be celebrated! Sometimes guys get them because they are aroused, sometimes because they sat in a particular way and their trousers rubbed it the right way, sometimes for other reasons. Unfortunately in society if you openly recognize that another man has an erection people somehow feel that "the gay" is going to rub off on them - even more so if that person recognizes that the erection is because they, for example, simply hugged a another man and that man got hard.
It is quite a pity that our society needs practice in touching, but it is also reassuring that other people are doing something about it.
Totally agree with you ! nude hugs Dan

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RE: Touch Practice

I never knew there was a name for this. Years ago I had some friends that I would do this with. It was very nice. Naked, touching, cuddling, no sex with each other.

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RE: Touch Practice

Very interesting! Yes, touch is certainly a great thing, and it doesn't have to be sexual. I must admit though, at some of the CA Camaraderie parties, it was very nice for some of us to go beyond that and mutually and comfortably exchange some erotic energy as well. That was never the sole focus of the get-togethers though, but it was acceptable and made us all feel quite free, I think.

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RE: Touch Practice

Where do I sign up?!?! I would love to experience this with other men. Having grown up with seeing my dad on holidays and some weekends, and having a step-father who really only knew how to be a provider (not a dad), I didn't get much male influence and reinforcement through my formative years. When I got married and became a dad, I used my own personal [lack of] experience to my advantage and became an engaging father for my children - hopefully to their benefit - giving them the enriching experience of both parents in their life. However, I've always felt I'm missing something in my heart. I missed out on having that loving male affection and closeness with men. I wondered if I was 'gay' because I craved that closeness. Now, having read through this thread, it reaffirms that Touch was the thing I had been missing all along. We fall into the social trap of thinking its 'wrong' or not an acceptable behavior once we're grown-ups....what man needs touch from another man...etc. I would love to do this with another man/men - if nothing else, to realize I'm "OK" and to also share my affection towards other men in return. Thanks for bringing this topic into the spotlight. I hope to experience this very soon!!

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RE: Touch Practice

I would totally be open to that

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RE: Touch Practice

I would adore a group of men who won't have preconceived ideas of touch. Like all the men in this thread I touch. I like to be touched. Nude is my preference because it opens up another level of connection. But it's VERY important to establish boundaries. I like my bum and balls and cock touched. But in this context we understand its touched for intimacy. Not for orgasm. Other dudes don't want their package touched. Ok. Perhaps in time. Again, they will love it but must overcome their preconceived fears about its implications. I love all aspects of touch. And if my bro and I come to an understanding, stroking me or him is fair. But again. This is not for sex. Just for compassionate sharing of the need to experience touching from a fellow bro. True authentic men understand the need for comraderie.

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RE: Touch Practice

Interesting revival of this thread.. There is actually some interesting cultural anthropology research on tribal groups where the custom is that men sleep together all entwined in lots of skin to skin contact, with no sexual component. A very healthy societal norm. Most of us benefit from that physical closeness, I could sure use more of it, I know. Time to start investigating it more.

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RE: Touch Practice

It's true touch is very important and feels wonderful when done with the right person/persons. I remember back when I was in high school I was very close to one of my friends. By all accounts he was not gay and not that wouldn't matter to me at all. He and I were very open and affectionate with each other mostly when we were alone and could have our privacy. When he'd spend the night we'd share my bed, it was big enough for the both of us. We'd both sleep nude because that's just how open we were with each other. We'd both hold each other, touch each others face and run our hands threw each others hair and touch each others bodies all over. We'd both get hard on's but were not ashamed of it. It was all very innocent and loving. We'd fall asleep in each others arms and wake up the same way. We did kiss each other but nothing more then on the lips no open mouth stuff. We'd get up in the morning and we'd shower together and dry each other off as well. He was closest friend I had that I never had sex with and I loved him very much. I miss that kind of friendship and was sad when we grew apart as friends often do. Thanks to Facebook we are still in touch and still friends.

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RE: Touch Practice

So true! Love your comment.

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RE: Touch Practice

The Human Awareness Institute (HAI) holds work shops that encourages men and women of all ages and all sexual orientation to enjoy nude intimate non sexual whole body touch in a safe environment. The main thing is that it is touch and nothing more will happen. Boundaries are set an observed. Clothing is optional. I have found that knowing that the touch, even to my penis, is non sexual, that my brain allows me to just enjoy the total feeling of being close and touched. Most of the time, nothing happens to my penis although occasionally a semi will develop. In the group setting occasionally a guy will get a full erection, but not really that often. My take is if an erection does occur, it just happens and you continue with what you are doing neither trying to hide or ignore it nor flaunting it.

A long tight naked hug between two guys is such a wonderful feeling. You can have a number of guys you feel comfortable with having such a hug in a non sexual setting. The main problem I have found is the more naked hugs you get, the more you want and you can not store up the hugs for later.

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