I was out running on an early Spring day....

Yesterday was one of those early Spring days up here in Minnesota that gets a guy thinking about how long the winter has been and how nice it'll be when all the snow finally melts away.
Went out for a run and came back on a fairly isolated trail... about halfway down the trail I got the idea, what if I were to actually go nude and run a ways I've never done and I was really tempted.
I stopped ... looked around .. and then I started to think about what if someone happened to come down the trail and there I am ..that would be big news in a town of 5k. Hmm... I continued on with my fully-clothed run.
Still would like to try it someday. :)Racer99

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

I have run nude in 5K races that are part of a nude 5K series here at TX and OK resorts. Other than that I haven't had any opportunities to run nude. Very often when I am out trail running I wish I could be nude, but the trails I run are part of a public park so it wouldn't be advisable, even though most times I do not cross paths with anyone.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

I like running the nude 5Ks too, and try to do one or two a year. Anyone who runs should try it once. One of life's little pleasures.Where I live in NW Pa has been too cold to run naked except for a few days lately. I live by 14000 acres of State Game lands and walk up the short hill to the parking lot to see if anyone is there. Usually isn't anyone, so I shed the shorts and run the roads. The road is gated and I run in the off-work hours so seldom see anyone. Pretty fortunate to have such a place adjoining my property.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

I have run in two nude 5k races in Florida and had a great time. Running naked in an event really can't be beat. I will do it again if I ca convince the wife to travel to Fla. at the time of the races. I have also run naked when staying a nudist resorts and once on Blacks Beach. Running by yourself is great but nothing to racing a 5k. I've been tempted to run naked at other venues, but decided against it when considering the potential consequences. Once while vacationing in Florida and staying along a golf course, I would get up early and run the cart paths before golfers showed up. It was quite warm with the Florida humidity and I was wearing only shorts. No one was around that I could see, but had second thoughts of removing the shorts. It was a good thing because a groundskeeper came driving up to me and I would have not had time to slip on the shorts. I can only guess what he might have done had he seen me running naked.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

I run several naked 5K's year too. Last year I did 3 in the FL area, and this year I plan on at least 4 to 5. I love it and now the normal races are so boring to me! Convincing a few of my friends too to join me this year.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

The only way I run is naked. I have a grass/dirt track behind our rural home, and 11 times around is a mile. I have never run it with clothes on.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

The only way I run is naked. I have a grass/dirt track behind our rural home, and 11 times around is a mile. I have never run it with clothes on.From a city boy up here in the North country, I have to say I'm more than a bit jealous. Just learned that the nude 5K "Adventure Run" that was being planned in June a bit South of here is in danger of being canceled. Bummer ... going to keep searching.

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RE: I was out running on an early Spring day....

When hiking in the national forests we often break out and run for a mile or two. Sometimes the bouncing, shifting and gravitational tugging of the male genitalia can cause temporary discomfort and one has to stop and walk for a while! Anyone else experience this?

Not really. Bouncing can be at first distracting but then you quickly get used to it. No side pain or discomfort though.

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