RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

I agree with a lot of the post, be ready to cover up so you do not offend anyone. Anyone that would strip down on a beach and then expect the non nudists to join in is a exhibitionist. Why offend the textiles, all it does is make a bad name for the good of the nudist organization. Do as those that have posted on this topic, be ready to cover up and far enough away to have time to do it.

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RE: non-nude beaches

I usually wear a solar tan-thru swimsuit to non-nude beaches and a lanyard with a clip around my wrist. When go for a swim I remove my shorts and clip them. No harm, no foul. Besides you don't want sea lice or sand around your privates.

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RE: non-nude beaches

I usually wear a solar tan-thru swimsuit to non-nude beaches and a lanyard with a clip around my wrist. When go for a swim I remove my shorts and clip them. No harm, no foul. Besides you don't want sea lice or sand around your privates.
I wear the tan thru walking from the parking area to the beach...I have a friend who makes fun of me but they are light and cool...they are the next best thing to being nude.

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RE: non-nude beaches

If it against the law to be nude. Do not break the law. People who break the law go to jail.
That's pretty good advice. Here in the UK it isn't illegal, but you are expected to cover up if anyone objects. The law varies widely from place to place. Judge for yourself accordingly.

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

Right now, San Onofre is no longer C/O. They will be handing out tickets according to the NAC alert I just received.

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

I used to live in NYC. In Brooklyn at brighton beach there was a ton of nudity. Nobody ever seemed to care. But it was a big Russian and eastern Euopean community. Mabe that had something to do with it. Also New Yorkers don't get phased that easily.

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

I have been to a lot of nude beaches and have been nude on non-nude beaches. While my purpose for being nude on the non-nude beaches is not to offend those that are on the beach (I try not to be right in their face about it) I also feel that we, as nudists, have to stop hiding in resorts and secluded areas but come out and make ourselves known. We do exist and we should have areas (marked if need be) where we can be nude. To accomplish this goal we often have to push the envelope a bit.

Being nude should not be a crime

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

"100% agreement, brother George. However, in most places in the US, it IS a crime. Knowing that, one violates the law with the full awareness that if caught, he will be subject to its penalties."

Oh I have been "caught" more than once. I have my written warning from the Florida Park Service for being nude in Jonathan Dickerson State Park. I got it when I was part of a group that was on a canuding trip in that park. The following year I, along with some friends, went canuding in the same park without a problem.

Last February I was part of a group that went nude on a non-nudist beach in Florida. The police took our names and addresses.

We have already lost too many beaches where nudity used to be acceptable, and no one is going to get anti-nudity legislation changed or eliminated or grant us areas where we can be nude if we continue to hide the fact we are nudists.

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

While I would like to be a law abiding citizen there are some laws that I feel should be changed. Where would our country be today if in the days of the American Revolution all the people in this country sat back and said "Oh my. We have to obey the law and dont want to make any waves"?

I feel the same way about anti-nudity legislation. While it would be nice if the decision to go around nude or dressed was mine and mine alone I dont think that will happen in my lifetime. I would, however, like to see us start with having more areas where clothing is optional.

What right do the textiles have to dictate what I can and cannot wear?

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RE: nudity at non-nude beaches

"We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang seperately"
Benjamin Franklin

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