Have any of you noticed.......

This group is called 50+...and hopefully, that is not our average IQ!! But really, I've noticed that starting about a year or so ago, along with increasing 'white walls' on the side, I've been more likely to be addressed as 'Mr. John' and 'sirs' are more abounding. I don't know whether to be happy or gasp that it's obvious I'm (we're) getting older. There's no need to race from here to there to prove how fast you are, no need to pick up the biggest load, no need to prove anything. I (we've) been there, done that, experienced many, sometimes, wacky things and are still here to tell the tale. As my wife often reminds me, "isn't life good". I know that all our experiences are different, but in reality, we've all come along together. As spring comes out here in North America, I hope that it's a good day for all, your back isn't sore, and the lawnmower starts on the first try.

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

I've "noticed" that many of those I come into contact with seem to be "younger" than in the past, ie doctors, policemen, the grandchildren's school teachers etc, etc. Something in the water?The ground when picking things up is further away , and when one tries to pick things up they are much heavier than they used to be , better material than the past?People around me don't speak as loud as they used to for some reason , maybe they are afraid to be heard?But I'm having a good day because my back does not hurt and the lawn mower will start on the first pull !PatBad day. Cleaning windows inside and out and the lawnmower will not start no matter how many times I pull the chord.....

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Oh yes I have noticed. At work the employees "mother" over me by yelling at me if I pick up anything in the warehouse. All three of my sons think I was older than dirt 10 yrs ago and fragile. Oddly enough the wife is actually a bit older than I am and they think she is 20 yrs younger and good to go.

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

I don't fight aging ... just part of life. I had a career that took it's toll on my body but I'm not incapacitated enough that I can't still do many things and do some things better than my much younger SIL and his friendsor other guys my age. That said, I don't over do and don't try and prove anything to anyone. " A man's got to know his limitations!" - Dirty Harry, Magnum Force One of those things is that I seem to be able to last much longer at doing a project than some guys much younger. I've helped them build many things or repair many things on their homes and they seem to need to take more breaks, longer breaks than I do. Maybe I just don't want to return to that project for several days and just want to get it done so I can go home and get naked! :D
What I've noticed is that my mustache is much more white/grey than it was, not long ago. My hair is getting a bit more salty and less peppery. I do get call "Sir" much more often but I'm also told many times that I am a "gentleman," and not justby the older ladies. I've had many a young woman and some older womenask if I gave classes to classless husbands! What I have noticed is that it is extremely difficult for me to lose weight and keep it off. With aging increasing ... is does my ability to just say no to food and drink! ;-)

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Sorry Andy, but I read the start of your post as 'I don't fight aging ... just part of life. I had a carer...'. I thought Wow, I'd never have guessed that, then I realised that myageingis worse than I thought it was!
An interesting thread. Tomorrow certainly crops up in conversations far more these days, each day seems to pass faster than yesterday did so I guess tomorrow arrives sooner, which means I can't put things off for as long as I used to be able to do!

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Now most people are younger than me. My son is over 50. My beard
used to be dark and almost sinister. Now it's white I get away with
all sorts of things I didn't before. I guess old men are seen as harmless.
The floor is still far to far down - always below my feet - but I
do most things I've always done. Nudity has given me a new lease of
life. And, as I find people my age dying around me, I'm resolved
to enjoy life while I can. It's almost a second childhood.

BTW an anecdote: When I was much younger and going to get something
out of the car my mother in law would push me aside saying It's
too heavy for you

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Being the youngest (so far) on this thread it hurts to identify with the problems as quickly as I did. As did Andy, I have a career(no, not a fireman and still about 4 years away from retirement) that has taken a toll on my body. Farming on the side hasn't helped either. I have to wait longer when I stand to make sure my knees know it's time to work and it sure looks further to the ground from a tailgate these days so no jumping out of the pickup. I've also noticed I don't require as many breaks or as long of breaks as the guys 20+ years younger...let's get it done and move on attitude. The biggest shock was being offered the senior discount before I turned 50 because of the grey in my goatee. (I have very little grey on top).

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

I'm also reminded of another quote from a movie , The Electric Horseman (Robert Redford, Jane Fonda). After a morning of sleeping on the ground, Redford wakes up, gets up all bent over and groaning. Fonda's character asks; "are you alright? You're all bent." Redford's reply; "no just bent. Some parts just take longer to wake up than others."
My wife routinely asks ... "are some of your parts having trouble waking up!?" :D ..... and NO, not THAT part. Not yet anyways! hahaha

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Have you noticed things take longer to do and the days seem shorter, also the word tomorrow is used more. Bless you all and praise for good author's.Have I !!!!! Glad someone else noticed it too :-)

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Well I still have my natural hair color and it's all mine. No parts changed out and I'm happy. I still at 55 out workthe young italian technicians that my company sends over to help work. I can still lift a 150lb contactor from ground to tailgate, but I know I shouldn't.
I think attitude has a lot to do with it. I don't let much get to me and have friends who call me on my stupid crap. I still like to flirt and laugh.

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RE: Have any of you noticed.......

Ever look in the mirror and wonder who in the heck is that looking back at you?!

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