Big Belly Nudist

a group for those nudist with big belly's or those that appericate big belly's

I was walkin' from my car to the house the other day when i noticed a large shadow directly below and to my right. The realization came upon me like a bad cold. It was my protruding belly, blocking out the sun, the moon, the stars. Initially, humiliated then dejected, i suddenly awoke to the freedom of the bulge. I'm a new man. All hail, the Gut !!

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Although I'd like to have a smaller belly and am working to realize that goal. I've also come to accept my body as it is. For me, that's an integral part of being a naturist -- my body is acceptable. I may not like its shape and condition, but that's OK.

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I believe in lifestyle acceptance over body acceptance. When I was in my 20s I learned I had back issues that would require surgery eventually unless I compensated with exercise. I took it very seriously since my mother had the same issue and had back surgery with mixed results. Being tall, I also realized that extra non-muscle weight would only make things worse. Now I'm my mom's age at that time and am glad to still be standing straight. I imagine that most health issues are compounded by extra body fat, so what good is body acceptance if all signs point to chronic ailments?

Lifestyle acceptance means choosing the best parameters for wellness. Throw away scales, which don't differentiate between water, fat and muscle weight. Count the results of your activities. Keep a pair of pants that reflect your target waist size. Chop wood and count your cords. Count your steps, or how many coffees you can walk to buy in a month. I had an older friend who collected tire weights she found in the curb walking on the street with a group of early morning friends. Nerd out about the little things you can do to reinforce a lifestyle that contributes to your wellness and let go of the results.

I've probably gained 40 lbs and 3 inches in my waist since I first started exercising for my back, and am technically overweight according to the BMI tables. I'm happy with my slow transformation from a skinny fat scrawny youth to a more solid but fit middle aged man. As I age I pay less attention to looks and more to lifestyle. I want to be around others who choose vitality.

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