Diversity Rainbow!

We love and embrace racial and cultural diversity! We believe that the world is a better place because of it. As a result of this belief, we reject all forms of racism. We detest all ideas associated with white supremacy or the supremacy of any other race. We believe that nudity amongst all races should be encouraged. We would love to see much more racial diversity in the nudist and naturist...

Platonic Social Nudist Friends (NYC)

I'm a Manhattan-based platonic male nudist interested in rebuilding my previous network of other novice and experienced platonic male nudists to meet at least twice a month in Manhattan primarily, however, I'm open to traveling no more than...

What a great group.

Its nice to have this group here because as nudists we should have a great deal of understanding and respect for another!

Open to All

I am open to be nude with all ages, shapes, sizes, orientations, sexes, races, etc. I find life is more interesting in an environment of diversity.

50 shades of nude

Having spent many years in the Middle East, where Muslim doctrine shapes many aspects of life, it's clear to me that with cultural diversity we need to acknowledge and respect that nudity doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. The locker...

Latest PostNice text!
by NakedCaveMan 

As a POC I love what I feel this group is about. But may I humbly suggest we practice what we preach? The group's photo is a group of models of about the same age and body type. Perhaps we should have more diversity in our...

Leading with naked vulnerability

There's a side of nudism that proudly asserts "Woo-hoo I'm here, balls and all!" There is another aspect which focuses on the humanity, the vulnerability, the stark naked truth of having nothing to hide behind. It is that humble...

Expanding our cultural horizons -...

To me, the fight against racism is not simply that you don't discriminate against someone based on their skin color, etc, but that you actively take an interest in other cultures, especially cultures that don't speak English. In other words,...

Handicapped Or Disabled Nudists

There is a TN group for handicapped and disabled nudists which I just "discovered" as it never occurred to me to search for. It show that I have have some beliefs whereby I overlook people with disabilities rather than overlooking their...

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Instagram self-love project!

Instagram self-love project! You are all invited to check @anakedjourney on Instagram! A project about nudity, self-love and body acceptance. It's full of diversity and amazing posts!

All Born Naked

I am one of the many people in this world that works on the ethos of the fact there are only 3 things guaranteed in this life. We are born, we live our lives as best we can and we die. I have never been able to understand racism, we are a...