Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

There was a CHP (California Highway Patrol) booth at a car show and I asked them about driving nude. The 4 officers got over the shock of the questions and entered into the discussion. Consensus was ok as long as the driver had a license & registration handy. They thought going slow by a school or school bus might elicit complaints. But generally, just driving nude not lewd wouldn't be a problem.

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RE:Driving nude

There was a CHP booth at a car show and I asked them about driving nude.
A quick google of CHP gave me Combined heat and Power systems and Community Health Partnerships. Could somebody explain to people from across the puddle what CHP is in this context.

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RE:Driving nude

There was a CHP booth at a car show and I asked them about driving nude.A quick google of CHP gave me Combined heat and Power systems and Community Health Partnerships. Could somebody explain to people from across the puddle what CHP is in this context.

Here in the US its the California Highway Patrol.

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RE:Driving nude

One thing law enforcement would like about a nude driver is knowing they arent armed.

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RE:Driving nude

One thing law enforcement would like about a nude driver is knowing they arent armed.

Someone could be nude and still be armed in a vehicle. I have a place on my dashboard that is perfect for a clip on holster within easy reach, just past the steering wheel. I can easily access my pistol faster and easier than I could if I were wearing it strapped to my body somewhere. That's not to say I would pull it on a LEO during a traffic stop though. But in the event of an attempted car jacking or other criminal act, it would be a whole other matter.

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RE:Driving nude

There was a CHP booth at a car show and I asked them about driving nude. The 4 officers got over the shock of the questions and entered into the discussion. Consensus was ok as long as the driver had a license & registration handy. They thought going slow by a school or school bus might elicit complaints. But generally, just driving nude not lewd wouldn't be a problem.

California Highway Patrol (CHP), Los Angeles County Sheriffs, Los Angeles City Police, countless small cities police officers I dealt with in my 32 yrs of fire service, Arizona Dept of Public Safety/ AZ State Troopers... all of these law enforcement agencies I've either spoken candidly with about driving nude or actually gotten caught driving nude (once). Each agency, each law enforcement officer has stated what was mentioned in the post I quoted. In some way, each of them said that "as long as you're not doing something lewd, we don't care! Be safe, wear your seat belt and don't be lewd."

I was driving our motorhome to nudist friend's home in AZ. We were stopped at the border between CA and AZ. The AZ trooper came to the window of our coach. Our friends from WA we also in the motorhome with us. He was sitting on a towel in the passenger seat of the coach. He had on a Hawaiian shirt, unbuttoned but naked otherwise. I was completely naked while driving. The AZ trooper was a tall man and could easily see that I was nude. He asked about whether our motorhome was diesel or gas powered. I told him it was gas, he looked us over and said, "drive safe, you can proceed." Didn't say a word about us being naked.

It can be argued that it only takes one LEO (law enforcement officer) to think of driving nude differently than those I've asked or encountered on the subject to make my life miserable. I guess in all the years I've been driving naked, it may only be a matter of time but I'll take my chances because driving naked is just an extension of living naked, as we have for over 46 years and driving nude almost daily for most of that time.

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RE:Driving nude

What does CHP stand for?

As others have stated, here in the U.S.A. we know it as the California Highway Patrol

Click the link to go to their web site

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RE:Driving nude

One thing law enforcement would like about a nude driver is knowing they arent armed.

I always drive armed, sometimes on my person and always in the vehicle. During interaction with Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) in more than one state none seemed the least bit concerned about that. After showing them my license to carry they all asked what I had and where. After that all has some variation on the "keep your hands away from it and we will be fine". The response I liked best was a female Nebraska Highway Patrol officer who simply said, "Don't show me yours and I won't show you mine" No, I was not nude at the time as it was November and right around freezing outside.

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RE:Driving nude

I really hope this topic remains on the topic of "driving nude" and not guns. I have them, I don't carry them with me on a daily basis and that's not what this topic is about.

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RE:Driving nude

Here in the UK it is illegal to carry arms and it is not illegal to be naked in public. The police are told to take no action when seeing a naked driver - as long as he's wearing a seat belt.

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RE:Driving nude

I have been driving naked for several years across many US states and a few other countries. I feel pretty confident about it but am careful about having my middle covered if a bus passes. No longer concerned about big rigs. So far so good, and glad to hear reports that LEO say it's not illegal.

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