Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

How much of everyday do you actually spend naked?

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RE:Everyday Naked

I live naked at home year round, unless its really cold, this last winter was colder than normal and we're not into funding power companies shareholders so clothing featured too much. My partner tends to feel the cold a bit more than me so she might wear something before I give in. Winter lingered longer this year too but this week looks like it'll be nude weather so we've gambled on making up for lost naked time and spending a few days off naked at the beach. Its wonderful to be living naked at home all of the time we're here again without any heating on. Most friends who are likely to visit know we're nudists so we very rarely dress when anyone comes here, many of them join us naked.

Work is the major reason for us wearing anything, we're not great shopping fans so we try to get this done in as few trips as possible. Our social life has become increasingly naked the longer we've lived close to some nude beaches, we spend as much time there as possible and meet local nudist friends from there in our homes year round to socialise naked.

Its very hard to say how much of our time is spent naked, it varies a lot. Some days we're nude for 24 hours, the average working day we're probably naked for 14 hours or so, including sleeping. On days like we plan for the coming week when we're nude at the beach we wear clothing for a maximum of 2 hours. If I could I'd live naked all day, every day, I love being a nudist, but needs must and work takes a good chunk of our time up, in clothing.

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RE:Everyday Naked

When I get home from my appointments for the day, I get undress and enjoy the rest of day in the nude. John

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RE:Everyday Naked

As a replacement machine for my business is been put in the garage I will be able to spend time using this nude as I don't have to go off to a place to use it like the old machine.

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RE:Everyday Naked

I've worn clothing for a couple of hours on each of the last 4 days, to get to and back from a nudist beach. We spent 8-10 hours naked there and live nude at home. Today is a work day, so I have to dress shortly, for about 10 hours in total. On a recent long weekend we were nude for +60 consecutive hours while staying at a nudist club. These examples are typical of the time we're naked in the warmer months, we're nude less in winter as the outdoor opportunities are rarer. We'd like to be nude 24/7 out of preference and base our social life around nudism as much as possible, but we still spend far too much time in the textile world. But ever day has its naked time.

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RE:Everyday Naked

As the temp starts to drop in the Southern Hemisphere we are a tad envious of your nude time

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RE:Everyday Naked

NikAs the temp starts to drop in the Southern Hemisphere we are a tad envious of your nude time

No worries - your time will come again and we'll be too cold!

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RE:Everyday Naked

Last week and through last weekend, we were naked for days. So much so that my wife finally said, "we need to get dressed and get off the property and go do something." She was right. We were both unwilling to put clothes on and leave the house to do things that needed to be done. Reluctantly, we did get dressed and spent the later morning, lunch time and a couple hours after lunch, dressed and running errands and shopping. Sometimes being a nudist can turn you into a hermit and that's not healthy.

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RE:Everyday Naked

NikAs the temp starts to drop in the Southern Hemisphere we are a tad envious of your nude time

But, Mike, this last winter dragged on and on here, we've had about two warm spells so far this year that coincided with weekends. So, although you southern-hemisphere dwellers have my sympathy with regard to your restricted nude outdoors time now, we've been deprived of it for a long time. I do believe it is our turn. We'll promise not to enjoy it too much!

Besides, your winters are usually much more nude friendly than ours, unless you live in places like the Snowy Mountains or Tasmania.

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RE:Everyday Naked

Last week and through last weekend, we were naked for days. So much so that my wife finally said, "we need to get dressed and get off the property and go do something." She was right. We were both unwilling to put clothes on and leave the house to do things that needed to be done. Reluctantly, we did get dressed and spent the later morning, lunch time and a couple hours after lunch, dressed and running errands and shopping. Sometimes being a nudist can turn you into a hermit and that's not healthy.

I don't want to become a hermit either, but as public nudity is regarded in a dim light by some, nudists tend to remain where they can be naked. Once we're nude we too find it very unappealing to put clothing on again, even if its just for 10 minutes or so while we go to visit nudist friends. We aim to spend more time each year nude than during the previous one, successfully, but it does make wearing clothes more of a chore. But, we're very happy that we can enjoy life as nudists for the amount of time we can, some poor souls who might wish to live nude can't because of where they live and their local culture.

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RE:Everyday Naked

Every day, when I get home, off come the clothes, cold beer from the fridge and out to the patio. By that time, I am sooo over having my cloths hanging all over me. They seem to get more cumbersome as each hour goes by.
I get the "hermit" thing! I enjoy my naked time at home so much, we rarely go out.
We've been talking about going to our local Mexican restaurant for dinner and Margaritas but my first thought is always "that means I have to put my clothes back on".
It's an oxymoron, a prisoner of your own freedom!

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