Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

How much of everyday do you actually spend naked?

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RE:Everyday Naked

When warm enough it is about 90% of the time I am nude as it is only a very few days I can be nude all the day.

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RE:Everyday Naked

On an average week day, I'm nude all by about 30 minutes when I have to run to the school.

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RE:Everyday Naked

On an average week day, I'm nude all by about 30 minutes when I have to run to the school.

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RE:Everyday Naked

It's been one of those typical weeks for us. With minimal minimal time with clothing on for errands, we've been naked almost the entire time for this last week. Typically, we leave for the day when our cleaning lady comes to clean the house. We will usually use that one day a month to run all the errands we've been putting off because we didn't want to spend the entire day dressed or to play golf or travel down to San Diego for the day but we decided to continue our nude streak and went to the club. I would say that in total, clothed time has been less than 4 hours in the last week and my wife has been the one dressed most of that time! :D

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RE:Everyday Naked

I strip naked as soon as I get home from work and only get dressed if we have to go out. As you can see from my profile pic I even cut the grass in the nude.

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RE:Everyday Naked

This time of year when it is warm enough it is about 22 hours a day 6 days a week. Saturdays it is only about 11 hours.

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RE:Everyday Naked

Our living situation is one that had me stop and not only think about it but relish in our ability to live the way we do. So much of this past week and this weekend, we will spend naked. Sure, we'll slip on something to run an errand; market, drive thru for food, drive thru pharmacy but it's not every day and with many of those drive thru errands, I'm almost always naked.

But I was doing a few things around the inside of the house and stopped and had to think; "when's the last time I had clothes on!?" I had to stop and think about that. Everyday Naked and living this way is just so normal for us that we actually have to stop sometimes and think about when the last time it was that we got dressed! :DDD

We are extremely fortunate to be able to live this way. We've been empty nesters for decades and though it was difficult at first, not having the girls coming and going and always around, we could not live any other way. My wife has now gotten to the point that she dislikes running errands because she has to get dressed. She's a little more willing to dress minimally enough to get away with a quick dash into the market, the post office or Starbucks even to lunch but she'd rather just stay home, like me, and stay naked and not get dressed. I'm enjoying the nudist monster I've created! :DDD

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RE:Everyday Naked

I think Di needs to give BarelythereAnnie some lessons on how to be more comfortable.
She joined me for a Skinny Dip the other day in the pool in the yard which was great.
She really surprised me when I was out cutting the lawn in the front on my tractor and when I looked up at the garage I saw her standing there in her birthday suit waving at me. I couldn't continue to cut the grass. I had to go up and give her a hug and a high five.
Baby steps! :-)

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RE:Everyday Naked

I think Di needs to give BarelythereAnnie some lessons on how to be more comfortable.She joined me for a Skinny Dip the other day in the pool in the yard which was great.She really surprised me when I was out cutting the lawn in the front on my tractor and when I looked up at the garage I saw her standing there in her birthday suit waving at me. I couldn't continue to cut the grass. I had to go up and give her a hug and a high five.Baby steps! :-)

Two thumbs up and a high five from both of us! ;D

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RE:Everyday Naked

I've been thinking about this topic and question quite a bit lately. Not sure why it's got me reflecting as much as I have been but has had me thinking about how much time we spend naked on a daily basis, it truly is the better part of almost every day. It sometimes has me wondering why we don't get out more often! Being naked so much and preferring to be that way, can really put a damper on the textile portion of your life. It's not a bad thing but lately it's been a bit detrimental to our getting some things done that need to be! :D

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