Naturist Naturalists

A group dedicated to naturalists who are also nudists and who find the two occupations totally compatible. We include nudist nature lovers of all descriptions - birdwatchers, scuba divers, wildlife photographer, botanists are all welcome.

Getting closer to nature

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It is often said that part of Naturism is "getting closer to nature" and I truly believe that. It is also my experience that nature comes closer to me when I'm naked. I've had birds settle closer to me or not fly away as soon, as I approach. I've had closer experiences with wild deer, alone or as a herd.

Or is it my imagination? Who else has found this and can anyone explain why it might happen?

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RE:Getting closer to nature

I have often thought the same thing - that animals/birds seem to allow a closer approach when I am wearing no clothes... But it could just be an imaginary effect.
Clothes tend to be of 'unnstural' colours and scents and so will possibly be noticed easier. They also rustle and at times noisily rub as we move along which adds to the warning levels for creatures.
But maybe it is actually down to our own heightened sense of awareness when naked. We are probably subconsciously feeling vulnerable when naked and so we are on the look out more ourselves. So we notice more. Maybe?

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RE:Getting closer to nature

I absolutely agree that wildlife treat me different when naked. I once had a bow hunter give me this explanation. Most detergents contain optical brighteners. I know this from my work. One way to see if a stream is impacted by septic tanks is to check for the brighteners, which is easy. Put a cotton ball in the stream for a day or two and then the see if it lights up under UV light. Anyway, these brighteners make you really stand out to most animals like a light in the woods at night. He always washed his camo in soap without optical brighteners. Sounds reasonable. He thought hunting naked would be similar. I also hike in minimal footwear, so I walk more deliberately, thus more quietly. Same goes for hiking off trail naked. I'm a lot more cautious. The downside to this is I've had some bear encounters that would have been more comfortable had I been crashing through the woods clothed. The upside is walking into an elk herd and not having them bolt.

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RE:Getting closer to nature

I have had similar experiences with animals in nature, when I nude. The animals seem less concerned or bothered by my presence. We have friends in CO and WA that live on acres of property. They often have wild animals wonder onto their property. Racoons, Fox, Deer. In the desert, where I spend lots of time off roading, I've been out of the car naked and exploring and come across wild burro, long horn sheep and some coyotes. I stay clear of the coyotes.

On our friends' properties, we are almost always naked while we visit. Roaming their property is very enjoyable where we are not confined to fences or walls. I've walked up on some of these animals and gotten closer than I'd ever thought I could. Once, my wife and I were at our friend's home in WA. We decided to have a snack picnic on their back lawn. We were eating crackers, cheese, salami and drinking wine. A doe and fawn came into their backyard and began eating grass and other foliage. They got within 20ft of us and continued to nibble and watch us. Our friend had seen this doe quite a bit and he tried to give her some fruit. He got within 8-10ft of her, and the fawn and they both turned and walked back into the woods. It was quite an experience being that close.

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RE:Getting closer to nature

Some great accounts here, confirming my suspicions. Thanks everyone, and I like the theories as to why it might be. Clearly a multi-factored effect.

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RE:Getting closer to nature

Wilderness is usually considered to be something good and in need of preservation. The beauty and awesomeness of it dominate our attention. We are attracted by wilderness, the Otherness of it, the sense it is something inevitably outside of us. Always beyond us, it is what is ultimately real. We cannot adequately appreciate this aspect of nature if we approach it with any taint of human pretense. It will elude us if we allow artifacts like clothing to intervene between ourselves and this Other. To apprehend it, we cannot be naked enough. - Henry David Thoreau

I have heard of a dog that barked at every stranger who approached his master's premises with clothes on, but was easily quieted by a naked thief. It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes." - Henry David Thoreau

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RE:Getting closer to nature

I have heard of a dog that barked at every stranger who approached his master's premises with clothes on, but was easily quieted by a naked thief. It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes." - Henry David Thoreau

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