Naturist Naturalists

A group dedicated to naturalists who are also nudists and who find the two occupations totally compatible. We include nudist nature lovers of all descriptions - birdwatchers, scuba divers, wildlife photographer, botanists are all welcome.

Naturisum as a Naturalist

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This group really nails it for me. I'm a geologist by profession and a naturalist by hobby. There are many reasons why, but when I am out exploring nature, I want to be as much a part of nature as I can. Draping, often synthetic fabric, over my skin, our largest sensory organ, just makes no sense when I am trying to connect to the environment around me. Now, unfortunately, I am limited to getting naked in the wilderness to only about three months a year when it is warm enough and not too buggy. However, there is nothing wrong with hitting the road and learning about someplace new. How do all of you practice being a naturist while also being a naturalist?

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RE:Naturisum as a Naturalist

How do all of you practice being a naturist while also being a naturalist?

I've always explained the difference between a nudist and a naturist as: a naturist camps out in a tent but a nudist prefers to camp out at a Holiday Inn. So I do a lot of tent camping (as a naturist) which makes studying and communing with nature (as a naturalist) a lot more convenient. :-)

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RE:Naturisum as a Naturalist

I'm a geologist by profession and a naturalist by hobby.
By the way, a case can be made that a "Geologist" is a "Naturalist". Depends on which dictionary you check out. But it's definitely the study of the natural world which, seems to me, puts it solidly into the Naturalist category. Charles Darwin was most famously a Naturalist but he was also a Geologist. Too bad he's not still around to ask his opinion on the matter. But I'd think you could claim to be a professional Naturalist as well as a hobbyist if you wanted to. And a Naturist by hobby to boot.

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