Only One Naked

For people interested in being the only naked person among dressed people. Art modeling is one obvious scenario. Have you ever stripped at a party? Walked or run naked in Bay to Breakers? Any other way to be uniquely naked in front of a crowd of dressed people?

Stories of solo nudity

Beginning a nude thread here! After having read a some of the other topics here and seeing few of them getting little response, I have thought of a moment or two in my past where I was [about] the only bare person and the feelings that come from it....

My fantasy......

My fantasy ( my bucket list of nude fantasies ) is to be a nude server at a buddies small gathering of his gay-clothed buddies that have come over for a sports viewing. I would be serving drinks, food, cleaning up. Guests would be able to feel me...

Calgary, Alberta

I was at a crowded houseparty many years ago, and there was at least one guy that came out naked. I really admired that guy for his bravery. Now I share a home. I really quite loath textiles when I think of it. I am always very eager to escape from...

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I have been the 'Only One Naked" a...

Every year I celebrate my birthday weekend nude. I have some nudist friends who have a house on 80 acres and they have hosted my birthday party for about 15 years now. I usually drive there naked on Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. There have...

A daily basis for this big brute rural native

For this big brute rural native, as having been taught to live and work so here at the landowner farm is something that uses to happen so commonly here or when he takes me with him to his friend's houses or at other moments when out or when he...

naked in a bar

In about a week I will be going to Amsterdam. The owner of a gay bar there sent me a mail the other day telling me that nudism is not a problem in his bar. Although the bar used to be 100% male nowadays women come in as well. The owner told me that...

My experience being the Only one naked.

I wrote this experience down on another site....I thought I would share it here. Hope you enjoy. Once when I was in the navy our ship pulled into the Port of Miami. A few of my buddies and I had decided it would be a good idea to head down to Key...

Manchester uk

I would love to be the only one naked . Let me know if you are interested

Naked in Montana

There are not a lot of nudists around here. All my friends know that I am. When we go hiking in the mountains or go camping I am the only one nude all the time. When friends come over they know that I will be nude. It took a little time for some of...

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Middle Tennessee - Northern Alabama

I love being the only nude person in a room. I enjoy hiking nude in State Parks. Fishing naked while others are dressed. I am happy to be a nude Butler. I'll mow your yard naked if you let me or weed your garden. If you just want someone to hang...

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