Retracted Foreskin Wearer.

A group for men who has foreskin, but likes to wear it retracted. This can be for whatever reason, the feel it gives you etc...

Advice please

Hi, Ive tried to keep my foreskin back but am never successful for more than a few minutes. When I sit down or bend forward it seems to push itself forward again. Could it be due to my size as Im not blessed in that department? Any advice or tips on...

Always back

I always keep my foreskin pulled back. I've been doing it for so long I can no longer pull it forward.

This may help

Hi folks, like many others here I've had problems making my foreskin stay back. I've tried a few things and home made gadgets too, nothing really worked. However I noticed something in the supermarket, don't know what theyre called but...

Opinions about my retracted...

Hello there guys n girls. Im uncut and as far as i ve heard when the glans is hooded it is protected all the time resulting to be hypersensitive to the touch. i try to keep it retracted but it goes back down just after a while... what can i do ?...

All depends

If I am at work then I will usually leave my foreskin down...but I like to have it retracted when I am naked....2 reasons mainly 1. If I am with others or in a situation where others will see me naked then it feels much hornier 2. It's nice to...


It would interesting to hear how my fellow nudists keep their foreskin retracted during the days activities.

mine covers all the way

I have been worried about my size and skin all my life. I have never really liked it very much, but as I get older I just have to like it. I still to this day think I could use a little extra length, maybe it would LOOK better showing the head.....

How much of the time do you keep your...

I find that I'm much more comfortable dressed or undressed with my foreskin pulled back. Prefer the look and feel so tend to keep it retracted most of the time. I keep it back when on nudist beaches or other 'public' situations, such as...

Hi all

I am new hear be nice to chat

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by blklondon 

Hi guys. There doesnt seem to be much happening here so I thought I'd add some info I found on the net ...

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