RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

At the gym I go to, few of the adult men* are nude. Most change clothing VERY quickly, wrap a towel around their waist, pull the curtain closed when showering, do not unwrap in the steam room.

The boys** are never nude. They keep a towel wrapped around their waist as the change clothing. Many of them probably don't even change clothing at the gym as that would be way to embarrassing -- they do it at home -- likely in their master bathroom with the bedroom door closed and locked, and the bathroom door closed and locked.

*adult men -- 40 and older
**boys -- 39 and younger

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

All those weirdo guys who change clothes in changing rooms and dont remain naked for any length of time for the rest of us to have a good ogle . Whats that all about?

I don't particularly like being ogled and imagine that only men who identify as exhibitionist do. I prefer to just be seen as a naked man among naked men, all with nothing to be ashamed of or to show off. That is the comfort level I want to create without any ogling.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

For all of human history until just a few years ago, guys thought nothing of being nude in the presence of other guys (clothed or nude)All those weirdo guys who change clothes in changing rooms and don't remain naked for any length of time for the rest of us to have a good ogle . Whats that all about?I don't particularly like being ogled and imagine that only men who identify as exhibitionist do. I prefer to just be seen as a naked man among naked men, all with nothing to be ashamed of or to show off. That is the comfort level I want to create without any ogling.And thought nothing of being clothed in the presence of other guys (clothed or nude). The idea that nudity among guys was any cause of discomfiture was essentially unheard of.
From that perspective, it makes the current mind set that any guy has anything to hide or be embarrassed about among other guys rather strange. It isn't a matter of anyone ogling anyone else. Rather it is a matter of being comfortable in one's own skin.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I am a 75 year okd nudist since swimming Nude at the YMCA. I find it ipvery interesting that the youth of today find it difficult to be nude in a male only gym locker room to shower. When I was in junior and senior high and I college all the guys showered nude together and toweled off in front of each other. We also shaved in the nude walked from the frat house to our rooms nude, wen5 swimming nude as that was the only way it could be done. No swimsuits allowed in the pool!
We have raised male boys to now be ashamed to show themselves nude in front of other men in environments where being nude is necessary! What a sad state of affairs!
Hickguy MD

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Is it possible that points to the problem with the younger guys in the men's locker room. Are they truly curious to see what other guys look like but have never had any opportunity to check them out? Are they concerned that all the men in the locker room are equally curious and have a strong desire to check them out? Those of us who grew up changing clothing and showering with other guys got that out of your systems a long time ago. But these guys seem to have missed a developmental milestone and are stuck.

I think you nailed it. Due to our contemporary repressive culture, younger men have the same level of cock and balls curiosity that older men who grew up with social nudity had in middle school. In that regard, perhaps it's best for to let them ogle away related to our nudity.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I'm unconcerned whether someone wants to ogle me or not.Perhaps it's best to let them ogle away related to our nudity.If you want to look, have at it. If you don't, that's ok. But the problem really seems to be that these younger guys really do want to look, but can't admit it to themselves. So, instead of just looking and satisfying their curiosity, they file complaints with management, "I saw a naked man in the men's locker room." And, in most cases, they've been totally "protected" from this up until now; the men's locker room at the gym is probably the first place they've ever seen a naked man. They didn't change clothing or shower in junior high or high school gym class. They didn't change clothing or shower in college. They were not in the military where, as I've been told, there's no space given for shyness.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

And, in most cases, they've been totally "protected" from this up until now; the men's locker room at the gym is probably the first place they've ever seen a naked man.

It sounds like they need to post signs either prohibiting nudity (like they do in some saunas) or to provide a warning: You may encounter, nudity, water or a combination thereof.
The best way we can respond is to strut with all of the pride of the emperor in his new clothes and the authenticity of the child who could call nakedness for what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Notice: This is a men's locker room. You may encounter male nudity herein. If you are offended by the male body when not covered with artificial adornment, then do not enter.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

How stupid ignorant retarded these insecure Guys are in that Gym??? How come any Male will feel bad for seeing another Dick???
Only guys that are NOT real men, feel this way.
It's a MALE Locker room, so it's normal and natural to be nude.
You just keep enjoying your beautiful Male Nudity,,, ;o)

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

How stupid ignorant retarded these insecure Guys are in that Gym??? How come any Male will feel bad for seeing another Dick???
Only guys that are NOT real men, feel this way.
It's a MALE Locker room, so it's normal and natural to be nude.
You just keep enjoying your beautiful Male Nudity,,, ;o)

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