RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I'm sure this will hurt a lot of feelings, but I for one an]=m sick of being labled 'phobic' simply because I don't live a certain lifestyle. My adult offspring don't live mu nudist lifestyle, yet the aren't laeled 'gymnophobic' and they don't condemn me forbeing a nudist, the accept me and my lifestyle.

Phobia is to have fear and anxiety about something. If your kids aren't afraid of heights, nudity or crowded places, no one can call them acrophobic, gymnophobic ar agorophobic, but they are concepts. Phobias register deeply and trigger anxieties which are hard to explain. It's good that you're open that you're sick of being labelled something, that you are aware of others' feelings and have gratitude that your adult offspring accept you and your lifestyle. I hope you can feel you are doing the same moving forward as well, trigger free of fears. Good luck.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I think you're right.While I am sad they are so afraid of seeing another male naked, I think the second guy has a live and let live approach.Seems as if he doesn't like it, but that he recognizes that it's his issue.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

He would not have objected to your being naked in your first post on this thread. Even though he would not want to see it, he realizes that is appropriate in a locker room.His answer to not wanting to see a naked man in the locker room is to stay out of the locker room. To me, while I disagree with the reason and the choice, his approach is logical and does not interfere with anyone else's expected behavior and does not allow for specious accusation.
I think we see this in exactly the same light. He doesn't like it, so he stays away.

I'd like the opportunity to suggest some reading material for both of them.

Uncovering the Image
Christian Body
Famous Fig Leaf

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I guess it's partially the dynamics of the peer group in operation. Obviously the swimming squad peer group is okay with relatively revealing suits and there may even be unofficial competition withing the squad as to whose suit is the most revealing within the attire policy. But then the same peer group (or the larger one of all boys in that same age group) has set the standard of 'wrap your towel around you to change our of your suit' and so to confirm, that's what one does. Some (or many) may notice the incongruity, especially in a locker room with others less concerned, but are not prepared to step beyond the peer group's norm. That may take a little boldness, including becoming known in the group as the one who did break the norm, which may not sit well with many. I know I've been there in the past, hopefully less inclined to just conform now I'm older.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Entropy Boy*, BlgDudeMan, strikes again.Do you ever overhear a conversation that doesnt [sic] involve dicks?

*Entropy Boy thinks entropy is a super power. Pretends to be a nudist but never makes a positive contribution to a discussion.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Unless you've talked with these individuals, we can only 'think' we know what they are up to.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Absolutely.Unless you've talked with these individuals, we can only 'think' we know what they are up to.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Did you write to the corporation, and if so what was their reply? Hopefully they have not formalised the unwritten rules as a result of this coming to their attention.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I didn't.Did you write to the corporation, and if so what was their reply? Hopefully they have not formalized the unwritten rules as a result of this coming to their attention.That was the plan, but since then, I'm only rarely in Springfield MO -- the gym is in Springfield. Not going to make an over 40-mile round trip just to go to the gym. So, haven't been back.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Nudistpig, you're saying that social nudity makes the group stronger and more cohesive and reduces conflict. In all social primates. This is a "primate" form and very natural and all inclusive means of homosociality. It makes sense to make this natural way of socializing becomes forbidden in favor of creating fear and rifts between people.What you write, however, makes me realize that this rift is perhaps not an unfortunate consequence but rather an intention from the start. That's what makes a solo naked man so threatening in a locker room. It's not that he's necessarily and imposing beast or a creepy sexual deviant. Rather, he's voting with his pants how to stand up to having others control him. Yes, we need more of that iconoclastic vitality.

Yes, the social bath and exercise spaces were the last bastions of unity and bonding for males in our culture and they were deliberately removed and will suffer more attacks until the christofascists scourge us from the face of the earth (or we can stop this).

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