RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Yes, in deed, you clearly are the proof you seek.Proof that entropy is increasing.Thank you.You have forgotten your homework assignment.

Be positive and affirming. Ask questions to gain a better understanding. The world is not black and white.

When you think you might disagree with someone, do not assume that your assessment of the situation is correct. History makes it clear that, in your case, it essentially never is.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Georgie didn't write them bill of rights, Tommy did and he, Ben and several other founding fathers took "air baths" regularly.

And at the time they were written and beyond, the right to bathe naked in the Potomac was not reserved just for the chief executive.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I believe that if England had had some prohibition on nudity, then nudity would be listed in our constitution as an inalienable right.And at the time they were written and beyond, the right to bathe naked in the Potomac was not reserved just for the chief executive.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Very interesting -- nice to know what happened.

Thanks for providing the details.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

That sounds amazing.This morning, when I came back from the shower, Dan had also come back. His locker was two down from mine. I said good morning.He said good morning back.I asked how he like the wild card results. We had a conversation about the packers and prospects. The whole time naked and getting dressed. Our nudity was just happen stance and relaxed and not noted.Very much like what I remember from the 80s and 90s (California and Colorado). I've never experienced anything remotely like that in Missouri. Seems like everyone here is homophobic and/or ashamed of their bodies.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I'm often tempted to strike up a conversation with the other guys in the locker room/shower area at my yoga studio after the nude yoga session is over. But I hesitate as we all take showers and then put our (annoying) clothing back on, feeling as though I should stay quiet, hold off on any talking, worried that some of the guys might be in an altered state following the heated nude yoga session, and they are wanting to stay in that head space as long as possible. All I want to do is expound on how wonderfully I feel from the experience and to share my enthusiasm with someone, anyone, and see if they are feeling similarly, looking for some social mental connection. This need to be social at that moment might actually make some people uncomfortable or even put-upon, with them wondering if I'm attempting some sort of come on. At that moment, such thoughts of misinterpreted interaction are probably just my old, clothed mindset coming through, but as far as I know, no one else involved in these yoga sessions lives the nude life I've become so pleasantly accustomed to. Luckily for me, I can usually get my conversational ya yas out right after the session with the two yogis who hang around just outside the hot room and before the wet area, asking us how we felt about the experience.

I wish I could do hot nude yoga more. These two yogis are expert at the teaching and are very forthcoming about how much they love teaching yoga without clothes. If you're ever in Charlottesville, Virginia on a Saturday, I heavily encourage contacting The Elements Yoga studio and join in. They do only one class nude every two weeks at 103 degrees. Sweat out four pounds with us!

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I had to look that one up.. As far as Phobias go, that is one I could deal with.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Georgie didn't write them bill of rights, Tommy did and he, Ben and several other founding fathers took "air baths" regularly.And at the time they were written and beyond, the right to bathe naked in the Potomac was not reserved just for the chief executive.

Not to further stir division here (but definitely to nitpick), Thomas Jefferson (this is Tommy in the above quote, yes?) was not involved in the writing of America's Bill of Rights, with him living in France at the time and serving as our minister to France during the contentious discussions on the Bill of Rights.

Many men were involved in its drafting, but James Madison is called the Father of our Constitution for good reason, and is considered the main man behind much of the Bill of Rights. Indeed, Madison likely used a lot of George Mason's ideas when he wrote the Constitution.

TJ wrote the Declaration of Independence, and that work is from the "Committee of Five", a product of his mind and four other men; John Adams, Ben Franklin, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman. Jefferson wanted Adams to actually pen the document, but Adams supposedly gave Jefferson some drinks to convince him to be the author.

Additionally, in reference to nudity in Spain, Wikipedia says Spanish law does not have any article that prohibits public nudity, so it is therefore always allowed, except in Barcelona where regional laws have changed and nudity or semi-nudity is in fact banned on the streets there since April 2011.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

It's the complete opposite of 70s and 80s.I have been told by gay guys that when there are promiscuous gays that are cruising and when they are naked, they don't like those guys assuming they are looking for sex. Other gay guys are afraid if they have erections, straight guys will think they are cruising for them. As a consequence some of the more bashful males may be gay.I think some of the straight guys are afraid of being thought of as gay particularly if they have an erection.Unless there is anything new, I will not post more on Dan. He was there again today and it is obvious that he now has the habit of being naked in the locker room and considers it normal.Back then, the general opinion was that only a gay man would care whether other men saw him nude -- if you're not gay, you'll have no problem walking around the locker room totally nude.

Now, the general opinion is, only a gay guy would want to be seen nude by other men. If you're not gay, stay covered up.

Of course, both are wrong.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Again, amazing. Thanks for posting.This morning where I work out, there was someone on the aisle I have only seen since January. He looks like he is in his 20s and is trying to lose some weight. While he was at his locker and opening it, his towel fell off, and he was standing there naked and with a full erection. He said: "Excuse Me".Dan, who was naked at the time said: "for what?"The guy said: "I don't want to offend you with my boner."Day said: "We are all guys, we all have dicks, and we all understand."No more was said and the new guy did not rush to cover up.

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