Caught out on the beach

It was the summer of 1976 and my wife, and I decided on a trip to Cornwall. We would be camping, so I studied my o/s map, and found a campsite at Treen. We arrived late afternoon and set up our tent, then visited the local pub. Up early, we ventured down to the beach. We picked our spot and went for a swim. My wife would often go topless on the beach, and she did on Treen, also known as Pedn Vounder. We were both sat on the sand as people started to come onto the beach. The access was via a steep climb over both rocks and steps. I looked up and to my surprise the group of people passing us were completely naked. My wife had noticed as well. Looking at the others, we saw that they were all naked. Neither of us had ever been on a nude beach, and we were not sure what to do. We had a choice, and since it was a fabulous place, we looked at each other and stripped off. At first, I was very self-conscious, but this passed very quickly. So, we continued to swim, sunbathe, and read our books, all whilst being in the nude. As the day wore on, we both fell asleep. I became aware of a shadow over me, I looked up and there was a policeman, in full uniform, looking extremely hot and very embarrassed. We've received a complaint, he said, and I must ask you to cover up. Treen, at that time was not an official nudist beach and times were not as liberal as they are now. Of course, we complied and covered up. The poor man had to walk the length of the beach asking all the others to cover up. Eventually he climbed back up the cliff and disappeared. As soon as he had, everyone stripped off again. We enjoyed a fabulous week there, and whenever we went on holiday, we always looked to be near a nudist beach.

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RE:Caught out on the beach

Oh that most have been a surprise to see the police. Lol

We were on a nudist beach in California north of Camp Pendleton. We decided to go onto the base side of the beach. Well we were set up for a wonderful day. As we were relaxing, the military police showed up and said we had to move back to the park side of the beach. Lol. We moved back but watched many people going that way all day. But the next day we went back to the military side. Not sure why they made us move ?

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