Nudists with 4 x 4

Getting to beaches

I've noticed that most good nudist beaches are remote. Mt favourites are at the end of a rough track. Some of those tracks are steep and heavily rutted. This is where a 4X4 comes in handy.

Another Thought on Offroading in the Nude

I see but 2 threads on 4x4.. what happened I may suggest one thing if your inclined to drive offroad nude that you keep your clothes close at had for a few reasons. Bugs love the smooth taste of a bare butt or whatever other part they can bite...

lift kits

is it needed for 4x4 to be having a very high lift kits? how effective is it? the diff stays the same hight, so what is the benefit? would love to know opinions...

roof top camper

what type is the best. What size do they come in. How effective are they compared to other types of campers....