Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

World Naked Bike Ride

Does anyone know something about 2019? I can't find information. Or is the action no longer available?

Doing sports nakec

I know some sports can't be done naked . Snow boarding etc. But yoga .most classes . I knew of a aerobic going on. Also swimming but pools just don't seem to work . Any body have any or know if outdoors swimming places normally not four...

Any horse owners in Europe?

I would like to meet horses

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Naturist Massage Event in aid of Bowel...

We are planning a fully naturist massage charity event here in Birmingham - on Friday 3rd May and Saturday 4th May. We would like a minimum donation of 40 for a 45/50min relaxation massage with Wendy. If you are interested is supporting us with this...

Pose in a Photo Shoot!

Pro photographer looking for volunteers to pose for a future published photo book. Males, females, couples, groups, looks unimportant, any age over 18. All photos will be published in a future book celebrating the nudist lifestyle.. it's fun &...

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by LisaVegas 
Naked a feeling not a choice

I have always enjoyed being naked . I found and knew of a place and others. But it took me many years to release the feeling . So a quiet place by the sea, a woodland walk . Home all the time . I don't believe people who don't want to see it...

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New World Record Nude Roller-Coaster Ride

The Brits have apparently set a new record for the number of people to ride a roller-Coaster nude. They are waiting for the results to be certified by Guinness. Sounds like fun but I imagine the ride was a bit brisk. The link below will take you to...

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Naked straight male for CMNM

Hi i want to try a non sexual CMNM situation for real, happy to travel and just hang out nude with another clothed male. Just for fun though, im not after sex stuff. Happy for you to get me doing housework or diy or whatever you want to see me do...

Nude Birthday Party

Today I had a birthday party for myself and had a few of my friends from TN over my house. I had never had a nude birthday party before. It was a lot of fun, we had pizza, cake, potato salad, cookies, chips and soda. We all had a good time together...